Chapter 41: The Price of Betrayal

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One of the ropes had attacked Jack but simply held him prisoner, not going as far as to harm him because he was still needed; although it was clear that Blackbeard was second thinking about that.

One of the ropes hung Jack right before the mighty captain, letting him feel his blood slowly going down his head.

"Captain. Sir. I am here to report a mutiny. I can name fingers and point names-" Jack said, hoping to save himself somehow but Blackbeard interrupted him.

"No need, mister Sparrow. They are sheep...You, their shepherd." He said, clearly having realised the full plan.

He then sheathed his sword, causing Jack to drop to the deck with a loud 'thud'. Without losing time, the captain pulled out his pistol and aimed it at the smart-mouth pirate lying by his feet.

Immediately, both Angelica and Artemis moved to save Jack; all for their reasons.

Angelica took a few steps closer to the steps, her eyes not once leaving her father. "Father. Remember. He has been ... to that place we are going."

Jack glanced at her for a moment, feeling thankful before facing Blackbeard again. "Have I told you, sir, what a lovely daughter you have?"

"A fitting last sight for a doomed soul."

"Captain" Artemis said, drawing everyone's attention. She had lifted herself halfway on the steps, gaining her balance. She did not flinch under the stare of Blackbeard and instead placed one hand on the railing as she slowly lifted herself. "The seas and the sky know nothing of mercy. You can put yourself above them like you are meant to. All by showing him mercy, this time" she said, her words chosen with such precision and sweet talking that impressed Jack.

Artemis was always one that spoke her mind, never going for the sugar-coating approach. He didn't even have her capable of actually pulling such a stunt but now, he had an answer.

"If I don't kill a man every now and then, they forget who I am."

The next person to speak came from the last person anyone expected.

"Coward." The man of the cloth, known as Philip, said as he marched their way; being the only one not bound by the ropes. "

"Mmm? Excuse me?" Blackbeard asked him, his patience running dangerously thin after being called such a name, such an insult without any respect.

"They do not forget. Your crew sees you for the miscreant you are, a coward, no matter how many you slay." The holy man continued, clearly not caring if he would be shot right at the spot.

He had seen what Blackbeard had done and how he terrified everyone in submission. From his position high on the mast, he saw everything and heard a lot of things as well. He knew how he suppressed everyone, having seen it first-hand by Artemis herself.

The kind-hearted redhead was the only one to bring him food and water, feeding him even when his hands were bound. However, she was always on guard for anyone seeing her and she did not dare to speak of Blackbeard or put her foot down against his injustice and cruel ways; even though it was clear she wanted that.

She was, perhaps, the only person in his crew that did not deserve to be there. Her soul was not as dark as the others and there were no selfish thoughts or wishes in her heart. After she had confessed to him how she ended up on the ship, he knew.

"Twice in one day, I find myself in bewilderment-"

"You are not bewildered. You are afraid. You dare not walk the path of righteousness, the way of the light."

"No, sir. The fact of it is much simpler than all that." Blackbeard said as he started to move, to be closer to the brave young man who held tightly on the clothed bible. "I am a bad man."

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