Chapter 32: Last Chance for Negotiations

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After the small reveal and the sudden appearance of Davy Jones, Artemis has been on edge. Tia Dalma had proceeded to explain a few things about the redhead and her past, although her words were vague and did not truly count as the answers she needed at that moment.

However, with all those things happening at the same time, she did not chase the subject and just let it be.

Unaware of what exactly would take place, she had stayed on top of the ship to be with her thoughts. When the crew was back, she was informed of what had taken place.

They would all go to battle, with the Black Pearl leading the Pirate Fleet. All of this was an order from Elizabeth, who got voted to be the new Pirate King. That happened because everyone voted for themselves except for Jack who voted for her instead of himself.

Artemis did not know what to believe and what to think of it. All she knew was the fact that Jack, somehow, had a plan. Now what this plan was and how it would evolve...she did not know. Even if she asked, she doubted he would tell her much of the details. He might not even have them himself since he was a man, who often improvised on the spot most details of his plans.

She decided not to bother wondering and instead focus on what would soon come. Everyone refilled their pistols and ensured their swords were strapped on their waists. Cannons were cleaned and ready to be used and so were the Sails.

She stood at the very front of the ship, her single eye locked on the horizon. She waited and soon enough, the enemy ship belonging to Beckett emerged from the ominous mist that had appeared not so long ago.

"She is here," she said, taking a deep breath as she finally realized that this was it. There was no turning back now.

Marty, who had been standing not so far away, heard her and quickly turned to face the others while shouting. "The enemy's here! Let's take her!"

Every pirate, almost, started to shout and leave their little war cry as they got ready. Artemis, however, remained silent since it didn't make sense. One single ship against the whole pirate fleet?

No, he is not stupid. She knew he had a better plan and would never come to such threatening waters without proper backup. Especially considering that he had the Dutchman as part of his fleet.

As she feared, the rest of the armada emerged from the fog and they surpassed them in numbers by far. They were like a huge boot while the pirates were like a single ant; such was the difference between them in terms of power and numbers.

"Abandon ship! Abandon ship!" Cotton's parrot said as he spread his wings and flew away, leaving them on their own.

Everyone looked at Jack, their looks indicating they were not happy with how things had turned out to be. It was his fault since he voted for Elizabeth and thus was the reason they were now at war against the Armada.

Jack gave his usual awkward smile. "Parlay?"


Before a Naval Battle as big as this would take place, there was still one last chance for negotiation. Rules of the sea, unwritten but well known to anyone who travelled the waters stated the chance for a meeting. It had to take place in the middle, in a neutral land and only a few could attend it, the most important being the Captains.

Their meeting point was a small land of sand, with no other life on it, whether plant or animal. It was a small thing that during storms would be taken underwater by the rising tides but it worked perfectly from them.

From the Pirate side, Jack, Artemis, Elizabeth and Barbossa were chosen to go and meet the representatives of the opposite team. Those were Beckett, Will, Davy Jones and Mercer.

The Redhead of the Sea (Jack Sparrow x OC)Where stories live. Discover now