Chapter 17: Davy Jones & Deals

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Artemis stood against the railing for a few good minutes, Will was officially on top of the shipwrecked ship. She took a few steps back and noticed how Jack gave the order to close every single lamp on the ship, allowing it to blend in with the darkness around them. It was worrying and made the whole moment scary, unsettling and dangerous. She didn't know what game Jack was playing or what plan he had in his mind but she grew worried with each minute.

She kept walking backwards, trying her best to calm down her breathing and focus on the current moment. Her senses seemed to be sharpened and her body felt as if it was on guard as if it was alive and knew that something bad would happen. She stopped when she felt the temperature dropping and goosebumps covering her skin.

Something was off, she knew it. She took a step back subconsciously as if whatever darkness she was sensing would come from the side of the ship was looking at. As she stepped back, she felt a body behind her; wet, cold, stinky and slimy body. Before she could move, a sword was placed against her throat. A quick look around she could see that everyone was in the same position. Only that, instead of being held by mere men, they were held by hybrids between man and fish. She blinked twice but before she could make a move, she froze as she spotted the black shadow in front of Jack. As the light of the moon shone, she could see the tall Captain with the face of a squid.

Davy Jones, she thought and swallowed the lump in her throat.

That was the man Jack had made a deal with. The Devil of the 7 Seas whom she had heard so many stories about since she was a mere child. Every sailor, wise sailor, feared him and had every right to.

"You have a debt to pay," The feared Captain said as he started to walk towards Jack while he backed away. "You've been Captain of the Black Pearl for thirteen years. That was our agreement.

"Technically, I was only Captain for two years, then I was viciously mutinied upon"

"Then you were a poor Captain, but a Captain, nonetheless. Have you not introduced yourself all these years as 'Captain Jack Sparrow'?"

The cursed crew laughed, causing everyone a big uneasiness.

"Yeah, I gave you payment. One soul to serve on your ship is already over there"

"You bastard!" Artemis' voice echoed throughout the silent ship once she realised his plan and all her fellow mates knew that tone, she was pissed.

The fish man behind her tried to hold her still but she elbowed him in the sensitive place and with a quick sharp turn, she grabbed her blade and decapitated him. The head rolled to the side but the body kept standing, the fish crew member was still alive but she paid it, no mind. She ignored the gasps of the others and placed the sword back in its sheath while also making her way towards her target; towards the man who betrayed her trust and sentenced her friend to death to save his pathetic skin.

"Lassie wait-"

Jack's words were cut short as the fierce redhead punched him on the nose, sending him on his back with both hands holding the now bloody nose.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted you. There was never a way to save Liz, was it? You sent Will there, to his doom while you ran away like the coward you were" she accused, pointing a finger and towering over the man. She panted, taking deep breaths while her anger got the best of her.

She could always control it but there were times she couldn't and that was when her loved ones were in danger and when she was played like a fool. She hated the second part, getting angrier just by thinking about it again. In her fuss, in her anger; she forgot the situation they were in and didn't care much about the deadly Captain behind her.

The Redhead of the Sea (Jack Sparrow x OC)Where stories live. Discover now