Chapter 8: Plan be dammed

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Unknown Little Island - Nightfall


Jack, Will and Artemis were in a boat, on their way to save Elizabeth. The notorious Captain held the roars and led the boat deep into the dark cave while Will, who was sitting behind him, held the stick with the lantern to light the dark cave. Artemis sat next to Will and looked around, feeling something dark about it.

None of them said a word, the sound of row against water was the only thing that could be heard and that faintly. As they looked around, Will noticed something and moved the lantern slightly to the right.

His eyes widened and so did Artemis' as the light exposed the skeleton of a person. By now they should have been used to it but even that managed to make their hair stand on end.

"What code is Gibbs to keep if the worst happens?" he asked.

"Pirate's code. Any man who falls behind stays behind" Jack said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Artemis kept staying quiet but had heard him loud and clear. She wasn't surprised that Pirates had such a rule. She wasn't surprised they had a code, as through the years of travels she did; she obtained quite the knowledge.

Of course, she kept it a secret and preferred to use it only if truly needed.

"Never use all of your cards at once. Always save the best for last"

Those were the words a member of her father's crew had told her. And even though he had said it on a game of cards, she took it quite literally and held to it with an iron grip.

"No heroes amongst thieves eh?"

"You know for having such a bleak outlook on pirates you are well on your way to becoming one. Same for you lassie"

"What?" the redhead said, snapping from her small journey down the memory line and glaring at the back of the pirate.

"But you know I am right. You two sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga and you are completely obsessed with treasure" Jack pointed out the facts, adding the last part due to Will's attention being on the golden coins below them.

They sparkled under the light of the lantern and were waiting there, in countless numbers, to be taken. Amongst them were also jewels and different precious stones. Jack smirked as he leaned closer to the young Turner, noticing how affected he was by the treasure beneath them. Then, his eyes went to Artemis who quickly jumped on soar once their boat reached it and helped pull it up along with Will.

"That is not true. I am not obsessed with treasure" Will said as they made sure that the waters wouldn't take the boat away.

"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate" Jack told him and Will raised an eyebrow but then noticed where his eyes were.

He was looking at Artemis, who had managed to find the opening that led to the cave and had a clear view of the whole treasure, Elizabeth and the pirates. Will understood what Jack meant and let him proceed forward only to stop for a second and look at the Pirate.

Did he just admit something like that while looking at his childhood friend?

He pushed that question aside for the moment since there were more important things at hand and joined the duo, watching carefully. Their eyes went to the piles and piles of gold, jewels and each kind of treasure; then to the pirates that filled the cave and finally to the top of the biggest pile.

The Redhead of the Sea (Jack Sparrow x OC)Where stories live. Discover now