Chapter 2: Captain Jack Sparrow

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Harbour, Port Royal - Day


When Jack Sparrow set foot on Port Royal for the first time, he would have never imagined that he would have to dive into the cold waters of the sea to save a young lady soon after. He had just dragged her out of the water and with the help of two stupid soldiers; he placed her on the wooden platform of the pier.

"She is not breathing" one of the two guards stated the obvious, earning an eye-roll from the pirate.

Before he could try and give her some kiss of life or try to find a way and help her, Jack heard a new voice shouting from the distance. "It's the corset!" the voice said, making the three men turn their heads towards the source of it, only to see a red-haired woman running their way. "Take off the corset!"

Jack didn't need to be told twice before trying his best to untie the knots but his actions were in vain. Whoever tied those knots should get a job on a ship, he thought with mild annoyance as he was being humiliated by a few strings of cloth.

It was embarrassing, for him, a sailor with years of experience on deck to struggle with some corset knots.

The redhead woman finally managed to reach them, only to see the unknown man failing with the knots while the two familiar soldiers just standing there; watching. Ironically, both soldiers had swords and they could have helped but apparently, they were not the smartest amongst the hundreds of men wearing the fancy uniform.

"Unbelievable" the woman muttered as she quickly knelt next to the pirate; surprising him.

She grabbed the breast knife, surprising the men who stared for a moment too long at the place she had just taken the knife out from. She paid them no mind as she did her best to cut the strings that were killing her adopted sister.

Jack would have helped but he was too shocked by the young lass beside him. Her bright red hair seemed to be the orange of flames under the once again visible sun while her eye... it was the most beautiful blue Jack had ever seen.

One look at it and his mind immediately would drift to the sea, his eternal love. For a moment, he wondered how someone could have eyes like that but his attention quickly went to the white eye patch and the tip of a scar that was barely visible beneath it.

Who would harm such a face and why? His mind was desperate to solve this mystery but he was snapped back to reality by someone's coughs. He looked down only to see the blond lass coughing water while the red-haired woman was patting her back; her small dagger hidden once again with the expertise of a thief.

"I would have never thought of that," the other soldier said drawing their attention.

"You haven't been to Tortuga mate" Jack replied while secretly admitting that the knife idea was a good one and he wondered if any other women carried those. Of course, suddenly he found that it was not the best idea considering his luck with women. He pulled a face but focused on the present when his eyes landed on the golden medallion the almost-drowned woman wore. "Where did you get that?"

Suddenly, before he could get his answers, he was grabbed from behind by two new and more serious soldiers while more marched towards them. Governor Swann and Commodore Norrington quickly made their way towards the two girls. "Elizabeth!" the two of them said as they helped the ladies stand on their feet and pulled them away from the pirate.

The Redhead of the Sea (Jack Sparrow x OC)Where stories live. Discover now