Chapter 29: Buried Memories

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On top of the Pearl, the Pirates were victorious. They either killed or tossed over the soldiers except for Mercer who had jumped into the sea before they could catch him. Since he was out of the way, Artemis had wasted no time in shouting orders and quickly helping with the sails.

Elizabeth had joined Sao Feng and his crew. They had made an agreement to meetagreedg Court and Artemis silently prayed that nothing would go wrong after that.

Once all of the foreign men were off the ship, one way or another, and the Pearl was ready, they started to sail. However, they all came to a halt and stopped what they were doing when they heard a familiar cry.

Above their heads, Jack flew with his ankle tied with a rope to a passing cannonball. It kept going, passing above the deck, their head and towards the sea at the other side.

Everyone followed, the sound of splashing water forcing them to look down in worry. Considering if Jack fell into the water, they had to save him. That, if he managed to free his leg before the heavy cannonball took him into the depths of the ocean.

No sign of Jack and Artemis was not sure how to feel about everything. She was thinking of just jumping into the Sea and finding him, only to notice that Barbossa had turned and was staring at someone with an annoyed look.

She, and the rest of the crew, followed his gaze and found Jack safe and sound; not to mention free from the rope. He had his hands folded in front of his chest and a smug smirk on his face, not hiding his amusement from seeing everyone panicking and having him for dead.

"And that was without a single drop of rum" he gloated, earning an eye roll from his former first mate. He then jumped down and looked at Will. "Send this pestilent traitorous cow-hearted yeasty codpiece to the brig"

As his orders were followed and everyone scattered, Artemis stayed. Once they were on their own, in a way, the redhead started to approach him. "I see no limps missing or an angry hoard of British soldiers behind you" she joked as she stood in front of him.

"Lassie...who am I?"

"Captain Jack Sparrow" He grinned as the ship kept going, the sound of falling mass made them look behind and see Beckett's ship in bad condition. "Nicely done" she added, a relieved smile that they were not only getting away from that man but had also caused him enough damage to force him to stay back.

She turned to look back at Jack, who gave a theatrical bow most mockingly. It amused her and she did not hide it, yet graced him with one of her smiles. She hadn't smiled in long, ever since the incident with the Kraken and the Pearl getting lost. Perhaps, even before that and Jack had missed it.

However, the joyful mood changed as Jack's face turned serious. It was one of those rare moments when he was dead serious and it worried Artemis. He looked around before looking into her single eye. "You have a past with Beckett, don't you?"

Her smile had disappeared, her single blue eye opening wider once she realised that Jack had found out. How much, it was unknown but he knew more than enough. Now, how exactly he did...she was not sure and she didn't truly want to know.

She let out a sigh, realizing that some secrets could only be kept that long. Thankfully, he was the only one about to learn the truth and that was better than having a bigger audience. She looked around, ensuring that they were alone and grabbed Jack's wrist, pulling him as far away from everyone as possible.

"What did he tell you?" she asked, looking into his brown eyes.

"He seemed quite fond of you. Now, you know that I do not like secrets, Lassie. I want the truth" he said, pushing a strand of red hair behind her ear and away from her beautiful eye that he always admired.

The Redhead of the Sea (Jack Sparrow x OC)Where stories live. Discover now