Chapter 36: Parting Ways

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The Flying Dutchman


Artemis laid on the wooden floor of the deck, feeling her body going numb with each passing second. Her head could barely be moved and she had her eyes on the barely conscious Will as the crew passed her. Bootstrap brought the empty chest and somehow she knew what would follow next and she was happy because, in a way, Will would still be alive.

She lost the feeling of sound just as the waters swallowed them whole.

In her last moments, she realised she would be reunited with her family again. Her parents and the crew of her father....perhaps even Tia Dalma. The water was welcoming and somehow warm around her body, feeling it carrying her slowly down.

She accepted what would come next with open arms and with her eyes closed, she let the water enter her system.


Black Pearl - Around the Same Time


Jack and Elizabeth glided across the windy skies and eventually landed in the waters; the whirlpool long gone by now. The Pearl sailed next to them, and a ladder was tossed for the duo. Once up, Elizabeth collapsed on the floor, hugging herself while trying her best to remain strong but failing to do so.

She found it very hard without the supportive embrace of her older sister or the warm hands of her lover wrapped around her. Realization hit her that she was just left fully and utterly...alone.

Gibbs was the first man to approach, seeing the state Elizabeth was in. What drew his attention, however, were the two missing members; most specifically a certain redhead. "Jack, where is Will? Where is Artemis?" he asked.

More and more of the crew gathered around him all curious to hear what had taken place on the Dutchman before it got taken by the waters... Even Barbossa had joined and waited to hear but there was no direct answer.

Jack did not say anything, no matter how the crew looked at him. In his brown eyes, it was clear enough for those who knew him; that he was in pain and he simply refused to acknowledge it.

"What is the status Master Gibbs?" he asked, changing the subject.

Gibbs was the first to understand and immediately lowered his head, feeling the loss of the redhead. Without her, the Pearl would not be the same; her presence forever missed. The rest of the crew followed his lead, some taking off their hats in respect for the fierce Quarter Master who fought by their side until the very end.

After a moment of silence, Gibbs decided to answer his question. "Jack, the armada's still out there, the Endeavour's coming up hard to starboard, and I think it's time we embraced that oldest and noblest of pirate traditions..."

At the mention of traditions, the image of a certain redhead flashed into his mind, a small smirk on his face. "Never actually been one for tradition," he said, somehow imagining Artemis smirking at his words. "... Close haul her. Luff the sails and lay on iron!"

"Belay that, or we'll be a sitting duck," Barbossa shouted, quickly moving forward, and ignoring whatever had happened to the Dutchman.

It was obvious who was lost but he would not break his heart over any of them.

"Belay that 'belay that.'" Jack mocked him.

Gibbs tried to interrupt. "But captain..."


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