Chapter 9: Naval Battle

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The Interceptor, Middle of the Sea - Morning of the Next Day


Artemis let out a yawn as she made herself comfortable in the crow's nest. She used the spyglass to look for any signs of the Pearl or the English fleet. She barely slept the night, her heart filled with guilt as Gibbs' words replayed in her mind.

Love, she mentally scoffed, not in a million years. I simply feel guilty for using him. That's all, she told herself so many times but each time she believed her words less and less.

She let out a sigh and leaned back on the wooden mast. She tried to clear her mind, planning their safe trip back to Port Royal and the reunion of Elizabeth with her father. As she tried to keep her mind occupied, her well-trained for years sharp vision noticed something on the horizon. She raised the spyglass and her jaw dropped as she recognized those flags.

"The pearl! The Black Pearl is catching up!" she shouted, her voice echoing across the ship as she lowered the spyglass and quickly swung down the rope. "Everyone on your feet!" The men quickly followed her orders, not questioning if they should or not. She had proved worthy with her skills and just the name of the ship was enough to make them run for their lives. "Hands aloft to lose the gallants!"

"With this wind, she will carry every sail we got!" Gibbs shouted right after her, joining in and giving orders.

"Annamaria to the helm! Cotton, help with the ropes!" Artemis ordered while her mind was quickly organising her thoughts and trying to find a solution. It was then she noticed that Elizabeth had come up.

The two friends looked at each other, the younger surprised by the commanding voice and authority the redhead had. Without exchanging any more words, the older woman ran to another post to help the crew.

"What's happening?" Elizabeth managed to shout above the noise as she looked at Gibbs.

"The Black Pearl. She is gaining on us!" Annamaria shouted from the helm as she tried to turn the ship, hoping to get on the side where the winds would assist them to gain speed.

Elizabeth leaned over the bulwarks and held on to a rope as she noticed the said ship gaining on them.

"This is the fastest ship in the Caribbean" she pointed out as she climbed up the steps and walked towards the Spaniard.

"You can tell them that once they have caught on us"

She looked around her, noticing how Artemis was fixing some ropes while shouting more orders to the men. Her face was serious but she could see the worry in her eyes. Suddenly, an idea came to her mind.

"We are shallow on the raft, right?" she asked as she now stood next to Annamaria.


"Well then, can we not lose them amongst those shoals?"

Gibbs' eyes widened as he looked where she was pointing. "We do not have to outrun them long, just long enough"

Annamaria was hesitant, despite the confidence the first mate had in Swann's words.

"Do it" a voice came and everyone turned their attention to see Artemis hanging at the railing of the bulwarks with the help of the rope.

Her whole body was in the air and only one leg was on the ship. Her blue eyes were locked on the shoals and her voice was low and serious. The Spanish woman gave a nod, trusting her judgment before turning the boat in that direction.

The Redhead of the Sea (Jack Sparrow x OC)Where stories live. Discover now