Chapter 3: Under Attack

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Artemis was lying on the bed, letting the hour pass while thinking about the famous pirate she had just met. The more she thought of the encounter, the more she hated to admit that she found him attractive in his own, unique way. However, it was his dark deep brown eyes that had gotten her attention, for they were filled with so much sadness and pain but also kindness.

Artemis wasn't sure if it was even possible for a pirate and she found herself slightly curious about him. She took a deep breath and got control over her thoughts, before glancing at the clock by the wall. She was mentally counting the passing minutes and when she was certain that enough time had passed, she wasted no time to push the covers off her body.

Unlike some other nights, she had long changed from her nightdress to a more practical outfit. A simple white poet shirt and black tight pants, while her black tall boots were hidden beneath her bed. After wearing them, she pulled a simple sheath with a sword; from the same hiding place. Artemis always thought of it a miracle how she had managed to hide those things without the maids finding out.

She gently caressed the sheathed sword as it was placed upon her lap, a small sad smile on her lips. This was the sword belonging to her late father and it was, sadly, the only thing left to her from the family she once had but had forever lost in a cruel twist of fate.

Strapping the sword with a brown leather belt, she tied her hair in a high ponytail with a black ribbon and as usual, left a few to cover her right eye. She tiptoed to the door and opened it slightly, heading popping out first. Seeing that the area was clear, she walked out and gently closed the door before silently walking and entering Elizabeth's room.

Her adopted younger sister was dressed in her white nightgown and was looking from the window. However, upon hearing her bedroom door opening; Elizabeth turned her head towards the latest visitor.

"Artemis... you are going again?" she asked once she spotted the redhead's outfit.2

"Yeah. I want to check up on him and I am sure he will want to take out his anger.

This he was none other than their friend William Turner; mostly known to them as Will. He worked as a blacksmith...better say assistant of a blacksmith. The man who ran the shop was Mr Brown and everyone thought that he was one of the best. In reality, though, he was a man who drank himself to sleep and all the great swords were Will's creation.

The same young man also practised sword fighting in his free time. Artemis has been his teacher all those years.

However, she would give it to him. He kept practising, nonstop and even invented moves and tricks of his own but Artemis had done the same. On free nights, she would smuggle herself out of the house and go for a small spar with him. However, today she heard the news of how Mr Brown had caught Jack and how Will was found with a sword in hand. It didn't take a genius to understand that Will had fought the Pirate but was never congratulated about it.

A spar would help him take out his anger, which he had on such occasions but also might help her learn something more about the mysterious pirae that refused to leave her mind.

"Are you okay?" Artemis asked her adopted sister, seeing that distant look on her face.

Elizabeth was younger by almost 5 years and Artemis always felt the need to protect her and keep her safe. Ever since they were children, she had always been looking after her and after they ended up living together; they came even closer.

"Yeah, are you okay?" she asked her back, remembering how she was held hostage by Jack.

"I had crazier adventures in my life" she admitted, trying to calm her down and smiling at her. "I promise I will be back soon"

The Redhead of the Sea (Jack Sparrow x OC)Where stories live. Discover now