Chapter 19: Conflicted & Betrayed

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[A/N]- So in the previous chapter, I mentioned the words 'First Mate' and 'Quartermaster'. For those who might be confused or slightly familiar with the words, here are what they mean.

The First Mate, also known as the Chief Mate, Chief Officer, First Officer, First Lieutenant, or simply The Mate, was placed in charge of a ship's cargo and deck crew. They were heads of the deck department on merchant vessels. The First Mate was responsible to the captain for the safety and security of the ship. Responsibilities included the crew's welfare and training in areas such as safety, firefighting, and search and rescue.

The First Mate had a rank just below the Captain. He would take control of the ship if the Captain could not perform his duties any longer.

The quartermaster was a term used to describe the navigator of a naval vessel. The title was derived from the phrase "master of the quarterdeck", as the helm was located here. Pirate quartermasters were commonly elected by the crew and ranked higher than any officer aboard the ship, except the captain. Pirate quartermasters could veto the captain's decisions and often oversaw punishments and discipline for such crew members as transgressed the Code of the Brethren. It was also common for quartermasters to lead pirate boarding parties.

After the Captain, the most authority on a pirate ship was Quartermaster. As a Captain's right hand, he was in charge when Captain was not around. He had the authority, and he could punish men for not obeying commands.

So in other words, Gibbs and Artemis are almost equal in their roles. Able to fill in for the Captain which is also why the two of them give away orders. However, Gibbs is First Mate due to his experience.


Time had passed since they had left Tortuga behind and yet, Elizabeth could not find peace in her mind. She kept repeating the last bits of conversation she had with both Jack but also James.

"As I said... persuade me"

"So, you never wondered how your latest fiancé ended up on the Flying Dutchman in the first place"

She shook her head and let out a sigh before an idea popped into her mind. She put the compass in her pants pocket and walked towards Artemis who was still behind the wheel. She was the only one the blond could trust and the only one who could shed some light on the riddles, secrets and mysteries which surrounded her at that moment.

"Hey," she greeted as she approached the older woman.

"Hey," Artemis replied with a smile and turned her attention to look at her. "Back on the ship together I see" she added, feeling nice that her younger adopted sister was with her once again, despite the lies she had been told. It was true, she enjoyed and never regretted her decision to leave with Jack but did miss the presence of the certain woman with whom had grown up.

"Yeah... I see you changed a lot" Elizabeth pointed out, not failing to see the difference in her clothing, her skin tone and character.

She was less angry and she genuinely looked happier than she was back at the house with her. She looked even healthier and more to her element. It was clear that the older woman was meant to be on top of a ship, most likely a Pirate Ship and Elizabeth was genuinely happy about it.

"For better, I think," the redhead said and the two of them let out a weak laugh.

Both were tense and had been through a lot, not allowing them to be fully free from one another. It also did not help that Elizabeth was trying to pry for answers while Artemis was doing her best to hide her guilt and her lies.

"For you yes, the better"

"I can say the same for you. Assuming I am right on how you obtained those papers" She gave a small smile filled with pride, happy to see that her younger sister did not let life mess up with her and she fought for what she truly wanted.

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