Chapter 21: Pearl vs Dutchman

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On top of the Black Pearl - Not Long After


Back to the Black Pearl, our heroes had already started to sail away from the island. Jack was holding onto his jar of dirt as if his life depended on it and in a way it did. For he was unaware that the precious little item he had hidden in there had already been taken.

Artemis was looking from Jack to the island, a part of her wondering if James would make it out of there alive. Truth be told, she was not surprised by his actions if one would sit down and consider his noble side. On top of all, it was a fact that Elizabeth was in danger and he wanted to save her.

At the same time, Pintel and Raggetti were arguing while fixing the sails and Elizabeth was standing above an unconscious Will.

Soon, the said man woke up and came face to face with his fiancé.

"What happened to the chest?" Was the first question that came to his mind, and not if his lover was okay.

Artemis was standing next to her sister, her attention now on her childhood friend who was slowly lifting his upper body and rubbing the side of his head where he was hit by the oar.

"Norrington took it to draw them off" Elizabeth informed him as the arguing between two certain pirates became louder and louder.

"You're pulling too hard!"

"You aren't pulling hard enough"

Artemis let out a sigh at the drama and chose to walk away, heading towards the helm and Jack. Her head was killing her and no matter how much she rubbed her temples, it did not help. The bickering of those two was not helping either. She, also, should not mention how tight her stomach felt that she truly wondered if she would end up emptying it sooner or later.

Since they left the island, she had a terrible head ace and the constant feeling that something big would happen. She could sense it with every bone and muscle in her tired body. She had never felt it before, and especially to that extent.

Ever since they stepped foot on that damn island, she felt something had changed. As if something had come with them on the ship or at least, had come with her.

Gibbs noticed, clear as day that something was bothering her or that she was unfeeling well.

"You okay, Artemis?" he asked, worried about her like how a good old friend or even a father would.

She stood not that far away from Jack by now and she turned her head to look at him. She tried to keep her mask on and hide any of her worries or feelings of uncomfortableness. "Yeah. Just want us to sail as far as possible from that cursed island"

He nodded his head in understanding. "I see what you mean. And where is the commodore?"

"Fell behind," Jack said from behind the helm while one hand was on the wheel and the other around his precious jar of dirt.

"My prayers be with him," Gibbs said and shrugged faintly, not truly bothered by the news. He did not know James as well as others and considering how consistent the former Commodore had been in capturing them; one would not blame him for not caring. "Best not to wallow in our grief. The bright side is you're back. And made it off free and clear" Gibbs continued and jinxed it.

Because how couldn't he?

A second later, the Flying Dutchman popped out of the water next to the Pearl.

"Ah, the F-"Elizabeth didn't finish her sentence as fear took over and Artemis' eyes widened at the sight of the haunted ship.

She was not scared but she was not exactly happy to see it, especially with the damage they could do and of course, the people they could get harmed or worse, killed.

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