Chapter 13: Final Fight & New Beginnings

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On top of the Dauntless - Around the Same time


On Dauntless, the kind Governor felt guilty for locking the two women in the room and thus decided to check if everything was okay. He came to a halt in front of the door and took a deep breath, gathering the courage to speak to them. He was not even sure if they would wish to see him after he was so strict with them but he had to try.

"Elizabeth? Artemis? Are you there? ... Girls are you even listening to me?" he received no answer and decided to check by opening the door. However, he came face to face with an empty room. From the window, the beginning of a makeshift rope made from bedsheets was visible. "What have you done?"

Elizabeth and Artemis roared the boat until the Black Pearl. Once they were there, they slowly climbed the majestic ship. Artemis, who was the first to see the two guards, motioned for her sister to be quiet as the two quietly sneaked below the deck. A smile graced her lips as the two women spotted the prison their crewmates were being held in.

Gibbs was the first to notice and a big smile appeared on his face. "Artemis, Elizabeth..."

The redhead motioned for him to be quiet and pulled the blond closer, to whisper the plan she had just made up.


On top of the Black Pearl - Not Long After


Victorious, the two women threw the guards into the sea below them before turning to the now-free crew. They were all happy to be free and once again together, but now all of them had the need to just escape; leave the cursed place behind and save themselves. They knew that if they were to stay and get captured again, they wouldn't be so lucky with their escape or their lives.

"All of you with me. Will is in that cave and we must save him. Ready? And heave! Please, I need your help! Come on!" Elizabeth said but noticed that no one moved a muscle.

"Any port in the storm" Cotton's parrot replied to her plea and Artemis had a bad feeling about how this situation would end up.

"Cotton is right, we've got the Pearl," Gibbs said.

"And what about Jack, you're just going to leave him?" Artemis asked even though deep down she knew the answer.

Yet, she did wish to try in case she could change their minds. However, by the way the crew was looking at her, it was evident that her attempts were futile.

"Jack owes us a ship," someone said.

"And there's the code to consider" Gibbs reminded them.

"Come on Gibbs" the redhead pleaded but it was clear the shorter and older man had his mind set.

He was the first mate and with Jack absent, it was up to him to ensure the crew would be safe. The best way to do so was to take them, take the Pearl and leave. he did not wish to leave Jack behind but he was certain he would find a way to save himself; like he had always done.

"The code? You're pirates. Hang the code and hang the rules! They're more like guidelines anyway" Elizabeth said, hoping to change their minds.


The battle was lost and ended up with the two women alone on the boat, Elizabeth roaring them to the cave.

"Bloody pirates" the blond cursed, roaring the quiet waters.

The Redhead of the Sea (Jack Sparrow x OC)Where stories live. Discover now