Chapter 20: The Buried Chest

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Jack, Artemis, Elizabeth and James were on the boat, having Pintel and Raggetti do the rowing. There was an awkward silence between our heroes, and no one was looking each other in the eye. However, two specific individuals seemed more than willing for a talk or in that case, an argument.

"You're pulling too fast," Pintel said.

"You're pulling too slow" Raggetti argued.

"We don't want the Kraken to catch us. I'm saving my strength for when it comes. Just don't think it's Kraken, anyway. Always heard it says Kray-ken"

"What with the long 'a'?"


"No no no no no. 'Kroken' is how it's pronounced in the original Scandinavian, and 'Kraken' is closer to that"

"Well, we ain't original Scandinavians, are we? Kray-ken."

"It's a mythological creature; I can call it what I want!"

"What do you think quartermaster?" Pintel asked.

"Hmm?" Artemis exclaimed, focusing her thoughts on the duo, her single blue eye-locking on them. "I know it as Kraken, but each person can call it however they want," she said and turned her attention back to the sea.


Soon after, our heroes reached land and Jack was the first to climb off the boat but not before putting his coat in the boat and picking up a shovel.

"Guard the boat; mind the tides... don't touch my dirt" he ordered and then followed Norrington and Elizabeth across the island. Artemis stayed in the very back, looking around but not saying a word.

Elizabeth after a moment started walking in circles; the compass needle pointed to Jack once more which caused her to shake it. "This doesn't work. And it certainly doesn't show you what you want most" she complained as she sat down cross-legged just as the men approached her.

Jack decided to walk over and look at the compass, which had fallen open and was pointing at Elizabeth.

"Yes, it does, you're sitting on it"

"Beg pardon?

"Move," he said and shooed her away before whistling at Norrington to start digging.

Jack ended up sitting down and started to meditate while Norrington was digging. Suddenly he hits something solid, causing them all to look down into the hole as the sand was swept off the wooden chest.

Norrington and Artemis raised it and placed it on the sand only for Jack to break it open. The chest was filled with letters and hidden underneath them, was a smaller chest.

Jack picked up and everyone leaned forward, hearing the beating sound inside.

"It's real"

"Mother of the 7 seas" Artemis exclaimed right after Elizabeth as she took a step backwards.

"You actually were telling the truth," James said, and Jack looked at him.

"I do that quite a lot, yet people are still surprised"

"With good reason," a familiar voice said, and everyone turned, only to see Will walking towards them.

"Will" Elizabeth shouted his name and ran towards him Artemis smiled that her friend was okay, but it quickly vanished as she felt her guts warning her about something. "You're alright, thank God! I came to find you," she said and wasted no time to kiss him, an action he happily returned while James and Jack were looking at them with silent jealousy.

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