Chapter 22: Abandoning Ship & Captain

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"Fire!" Will shouted, and no one hesitated for a second. All the cannons the ship possessed fired at once, hitting and injuring the giant tentacles of the beast. Now injured, the animal retracted them back into the sea, which made the crew cheer from the happiness that they had succeeded.

"There is no way it was that easy" Artemis commented, still with her heart beating faster and her single eye locked on the sea, waiting for the beast to attack them again.

"You are right. It'll be back. We have to get off the ship" Will informed, making everyone stop cheering and once again to let fear grow within them.

Elizabeth's first thought was to just take the boats and escape, while the Kraken was busy with the ship. However, she quickly noticed that they no longer had this option. "There are no boats," she said as she noticed that all the boats had broken during the fight.

Will saw a barrel of powder roll across the deck and his mind quickly came up with an idea. There were no boats but there were explosives. If they were forced to stay and fight, then they better give everything they got. "Pull the grates; get all the gunpowder onto the net in the cargo hold," he ordered and then handed Elizabeth his riffle. "Whatever you do, don't miss"

"As soon as you're clear," she told him, not wanting to do anything that would critically injure him or worse, kill him.

The crew quickly moved to follow his orders and pulled off the grates. Next, they grabbed the net in order to bring out the barrels of powder.

"We are short-stacked on gunpowder. Six barrels" Artemis informed Will as she did a quick counting of their firepower.

While to some six barrels might sound enough, it was not. Perhaps if they were aiming to fight and harm someone, it would be. However, their opponent was the giant squid known as the Kraken and they definitely needed more than just those six barrels. The problem was, where would they be able to find more?

"There are only half a dozen kegs of powder" Gibbs added next.

Will thought for a moment before answering. "Then load the rum!"

His last words caused everyone to stay quiet and look at Will as if he had grown a second head. The Rum was sort of sacred to the pirates and it was the last thing they truly wished to get rid of.

The only Pirate at that moment, who did not mind was Artemis. She was not in the mood for drama, considering the Kraken could attack them any time now. She grabbed her gun and shot it once in the air, earning everyone's attention.

"You heard him! Load the rum or take its place!" she ordered, knowing very well that this was the only way for them to listen and do as they were told; even if it meant sacrificing their precious rum.

There was a moment of science before everyone rushed to do as Will had instructed, although their faces showed that they did not like the idea and their hearts were heavy with each barrel of rum they put on the net.


Soon, all the ingredients were placed on the net and everything was ready. However, while they were busy with that, Jack had taken the last boat and was busy rowing away from the Pearl.

It wasn't long before Elizabeth spotted him. "You coward" she spat.

Artemis noticed as well and for a moment her heart grew heavy. She knew Jack was capable of that but the Pearl was his life. She didn't know what made her feel worse. The act that Jack left behind the pearl or that he left her.

Before she could say anything or even take a step, the ship shuddered again like last time and everyone knew what that meant.

"Not good" Marty commented.

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