Chapter 39: 1st Day on Queen Anne's Revenge

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[A/N] - 5 new chapters, all for you my lovely readers!

All 5 are dedicated to @Aya0_k, who left me such amazing reviews that motivated me to put all my ADHD hyperfocus and update. Took me 6 hours but here you are :D. Hope you all enjoy it and let me know in the comments what you guys think and what you expect or suspect will happen.


Queen Ann's Revenge, Unknown Coordinates - Day


The following day, Jack had been awoken roughly by someone shouting, for a moment reminding him of when he was a young sailor on board his very first ship. However, that small moment of confusion was not for long, for he was quickly pushed to clean a ship he was unfamiliar with.

The last thing he could remember was finding the imposter who was none other than one of his exes, being chased by soldiers, and also ending up drugged by a zombie.

Now he was on top of the desk, along with dozens of sailors and was ordered to scrub the wooden floors. By his side, a young sailor, named Scrum was quick to fill him some details about his whereabouts.

However, their little talk did not go unnoticed and soon the sound of a whip was heard. Scrum cried out right after the hit and he fell to his knees next to Jack, scrubbing furiously. Close to them passed the man holding the whip, one of the officers of Blackbeard with his mouth and one eye sewn shut.

"That fellow seems odd. French is my guess" Jack commented, keeping his head low as he continued scrubbing the floors.

"He's been Zombified. Blackbeard's doing. All of the officers' are that way, makes 'em compliant" Scrum informed, ignoring the stinging sensation coming from his back, now used to it after having ended up at the other end of that whip far too many times.

"And perpetually ill-tempered." The famous pirate smiled at the Officer but only got a sneer in return.


The work continued, doing the basic and of course, the most tiring jobs on the ship. Sailing a ship required lots of repairs, constant cleaning and taking care of the vessel that prevented you from drowning.

One of the jobs was for the men to let down a sail cover. As they were finishing, Jack wiped the sweat from his forehead and sniffed the air.

"Five days underway, at least ..." he commented, impressing the young sailor by his side.

"Aye. You can tell by the smell of the sea?" Scrum asked, making Jack smirk faintly.

It made him think of a certain redhead, whose nose was as sharp as ever, The Sea talked to her and she could tell precisely the waters they were in and even the time on the ship. He was always mesmerized to watch her just stare into the sea as if having this mental connection and discussion with it. The smile on her face each time they went to new places or had the feeling of a new adventure coming up.

His smirk disappeared once he reminded himself of the bitter truth and he found himself stopping before his mind got carried away.

20 years he had to hear from Artemis, 20 years of mere rumours.

Sailing along with Barbossa, she made a name of her own and proved that she was born to be on the sea; sailing with endless freedom. A part of him wished that it was with him but she had made her choice, although leaving behind confusing trails.

He then remembered the discussion he had with Barbossa. Meeting after all those years and finding out what fate awaited him.


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