Chapter 31: Calypso?!

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Meeting Room, Spiwreck Cove - Evening


Once they reached the port, Barbossa, Gibbs, Jack, Raggeti, Pintel and Artemis walked out and headed for the main house or shipwreck. The whole city was a combination of wrecked ships stacked together and then somehow shaped and fixed to have rooms inside and windows outside.

It was a unique thing to see, showing quite the architecture which must and would shock normal people. Artemis, though, was excited as they entered the courtroom. She stayed by Jack's side, taking in all the faces.

She will admit, that this was not how she expected the pirate lords to be; considering how Barbossa and Jack were. Instead, the rest of the Pirate Lords looked nothing like them and each had its own unique features.

There was a Chinese woman with a furious look, and a French man with inexpensive clothing, lots of makeup and a curly grey wig that could rival the wigs most British men of higher class and Navy Admirals wore. Across them, one could spot a short fat man with a turban and a black pirate lord not too far away.

Each was unique and peculiar, having their most trusted crew members behind their fancy chairs. According to the rule, each Pirate lord could bring up to two or three crew members with high positions.

In their case, Gibbs was Jack's first mate and Artemis was his Quartermaster. Pintel and Raggeti had also joined, apparently holding similar positions for Barbossa.

The pirate lords were muttering and discussing, barely being able to hear anyone but the one next to you. That was until Barbossa lifted a cannonball and banged it a few times on the table.

This made everyone stop talking and focus their attention on him.

"As he who issued summons, I convene this, the fourth Brethren Court. To confirm your lordship and right to be heard, present now your pieces of eight, my fellow cap'ns." he started.

Raggeti started to walk around the table with a bowl and each pirate started to place an object inside. To her surprise, it was not something fancy but rather something simple that can almost be considered junk. Someone placed a card, someone else a wooden goblet thingy and so on.

"Those aren't pieces of eight, they're just pieces of junk," Pintel said, voicing her thoughts.

"Aye, the original plan was to use nine pieces of eight to bind Calypso, but when the first court met, the brethren were to a one, skint broke" Gibbs explained, causing the duo to look at him.

"So change the name"

"To what? 'Nine Pieces of Whatever We Happened to Have in Our Pockets at the Time'? Oh yes, that sounds very piratey"

"Good point," Artemis said, agreeing with his logical explanation and kept observing.

Raggeti had gathered all the pieces but was missing three. One was the necklace of Sao Feng, who had yet to show up, the other was Jack's little trinket attached to his bandana and the other was Barbossa's item.

"Mr Ragetti, if you will," he said and caused the redhead to lift an eyebrow and focus on them.

"I kept it safe for you, just like you said when you gave it to me," the skinny man said

"Aye, ya have, but now I need it back," Barbossa said and without losing a moment, he whacked Ragetti on the back of the head, causing his wooden eye to pop out and fall into the bowl.

Artemis blinked, not expecting such a revelation. She had seen that eye-popping in and out but the fact that the significance of it was such big...that was the plot twist she did not see coming.

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