Chapter 15: Cannibals & Bittersweet Reunions

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Unknown Small Island, Middle of Caribbean - Day


Will made a deal with Becket to save the life of the woman he loved. All he had to do, was to find Jack and take the compass he had in his possession. He remembered that compass, never seen it in action and Elizabeth had told him that it pointed no North; according to Norrington. So, he changed different ships until he found his way to Tortuga, the only place that could help him find the man.

He asked around, earned a few slaps from the two familiar women, who seemed to have a personal vendetta against Jack and avoided prostitutes who tried to flirt with him. At last, he found a ship and after some good payment, they took him where the Black Pearl was; ashore on a remote island. He was dropped there, the sailors refusing to come any closer but he didn't complain.

He swam his way to the island and ended up searching through the thick and unknown jungle. That ended up with him falling into a trap which trapped his ankle and hanged him upside from a tree. At least, he met with the indigenous of the island that was dark-skinned people with sharp pointy teeth, spears, war paint on their bodies and peculiar clothing; then his vision turned black.

When he woke up, he was being carried like a pig strapped on a pole and carried by two men. They carried him inside their village and brought them in front of their chief, who was none other than Jack. He had eyes drawn on his cheeks quite realistically and wore a peculiar crown. The men spoke a language he didn't understand and Jack spoke to them back, or at least Will thought he did.

He tried to plead with Jack, to tell him what happened and what he needed but he simply dismissed him and gave orders in a weird language. Despite his protests, he was carried out of the village, passing a hanging bridge above a ridge and ended up inside one of the two giant bone-made round cells which had the crew of the Pearl trapped.

Then, the cell was pushed back and hanging above the cliff.

"Hello boy," a familiar voice greeted him.

"Gibbs?" Will said as he managed to stand up, noticing a few familiar faces from Jack's crew. "What are you all doing here?"

"We got caught. Jack was taken and we were forced in here" a female voice explained, and the crew made some space as Artemis came closer to her friend.

"Artemis!" he exclaimed and the two of them hugged tightly.

Will broke first and took a good look at the big changes in her, not failing to notice the few golden rings on her fingers, the two golden loops on her ears and the tattoo of a crow on her exposed collarbone. Her skin had also tanned a lot, no longer the pale shade it had while she was in Port Royal. Will could faintly remember when they were children that she had a darker skin shade compared to them and Artemis had brought up that her mother was not a common white woman like theirs.

Yet, somehow the new lifestyle and her more natural skin tone made it all click. She was no longer the woman he knew in fancy blue dresses and small hats that sneaked out during the night for them to practise their sword fighting skills.

She was officially, a Pirate.

"Question is what are you doing here? And where is Elizabeth?" she asked him, aware that they were about to get married.

She had received the invite, somehow, but she had chosen not to attend. She was not sure how many crimes the East Indian Company had pinned on her ever since she escaped with Jack but she was not willing to risk bringing soldiers to the wedding of her sister, ruining this perfect day for her.

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