Chapter 33: Let's Free Calypso

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On top of the Black Pearl - Outside Shipwreck Cove - A little bit Later


Back on the Black Pearl, Elizabeth, Will, Artemis and Barbossa all stood around the map table. The new King of the Brethren Court was explaining her plan. "We'll use the Black Pearl as a flagship to lead the attack".

Barbossa though had already something else in mind. "Will we, now?"

On cue, Pintel and Ragetti brought Tia Dalma up, bound in ropes, from top to bottom. Artemis' eyes widened and she wanted to move and free her, but the mystical woman gave her a very subtle look and reminded her of the discussion they had before.

Something that felt as if had happened so long ago but it was less than a day.

"All right, Mrs Fish, c'mon," Pintel said, leading her or pulling her along; depending on how everyone looked at it.

Will quickly marched to the older Pirate as his two goons were busy leading Tia Dalma to the main mast. "Barbossa, you can't release her," he said, knowing about the plan thanks to some talk with Artemis and Elizabeth; as well as connecting the dots on his own.

"We have to give Jack a chance" Elizabeth quickly said, joining him.

"Apologies, your majesty! Too long my fate has not been in my own hands - no longer" Barbossa said and pulled Sao Feng's necklace off Elizabeth before dropping it in a bowl with the other pieces of eight that he had gathered the night before during the captain meeting.

Quickly, Elizabeth and Will found themselves being pulled back by two of Barbossa's crew, despite their struggles and protests.

The old pirate then looked at Artemis. He could have simply had her restrained as well but he chose not to. For starters, Artemis knew how to escape and cause trouble. He did not want that or any more delays for that matter. Secondly, he wanted to give her a chance and see where she stood.

If his suspicions about her were correct, he had to test and see it for himself. He took a few steps towards her, now standing right in front of the redhead. "Will you join them or me?" he asked, and she glanced at Tia Dalma who was now bound around the main mast.

Without speaking, Artemis took a few steps back until she was at the side and close to the back of the crowd that had gathered, consisting of crew members, who were following both Jack and Barbossa, as well.

The Pirate Lord nodded in approval, for he was not in the mood to fight her and try to contain her until his plan was done. He glanced at her one last time before moving towards the main mast, where Tia Dalma was officially tied to.

Artemis remained quiet, simply taking a deep breath while waiting. She could feel the eyes of both Elizabeth and Will, who were surprised that she did not fight more. In the past, her naive side would but things were different now. They were not the only ones who had matured and had seen the true face of the world.

She had come to realize that sometimes, she had to trust the process and she could not always go against everyone that she did not agree. Sometimes, she needed to save her energy for something bigger...greater.

"Be there some sort of rite or incantation?" Gibbs asked, unsure of how to feel about this plan but he saw what happened to those opposing and chose not to do anything but rather watch, like the rest of the crew.

"Aye. Items to be brought together... done. Items to be burned. And someone must speak the words: Calypso, I release you from your human bonds." Barbossa explained.

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