Chapter 42: Immortal Love

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Blackbeard's Cabin, Queen Anne's Revenge - Night - Not Long After


After everything else, Jack was grabbed by the Quartermaster and forced into the Captain's Cabin, with Blackbeard following. The zombified pirate stabbed a knife into his shirt, effectively pinning him against the bulkhead and ensuring he would not go anywhere; unless the Captain wished so.

Once done, he walked away and closed the door behind him; allowing Blackbeard to be left alone with his 'guest'. The talk, surprisingly, was quite civilised between them; thanks to Jack's smart mouth.

Using his charm and years of bargaining, he managed to have a less violent talk with the notorious captain but he was forced into something he could not escape. That damn rumour that had started it all seemed to be the death of him shortly

Why, one would ask.

Because someone had whispered that Jack himself had found the Fountain of Youth, the place where one could gain immortality by drinking from the special and sacred waters. That was what Blackbeard was after and now, he wanted Jack to lead him there.

If Jack had indeed stepped into that fountain, he would gladly lead him there if it meant saving his skin. However, he never did but for the sake of keeping his head intact; he had to pretend and go with the flow.

Good thing that he was a master at improvising or simply going ahead without a plan and somehow surviving until the end.

However, there was one thing that he needed to make clear; perhaps would be the very same thing that could help him change the tides in his favour.

"To warn you. Regarding your First Mate, who pretends to be persons she is not." She said, earning his attention.

"Do tell." He ordered.

"She is not your daughter. What she is, is evil. More to be feared than a wild beast. Hungry wild beast; from hell...Vengeful, hungry, from hell. Beast. And wild." He said, trying to find what other words he could use to describe Angelica, in a way that would make Blackbeard believe him.

His plan, however, did not seem to truly wish to work in his favour.

"You speak thusly of my flesh and blood?" Blackbeard asked when suddenly, he pulled a deadlock straight out of Jack's hair. He then took the knife from which Jack had freed himself and started to see the dread.

He moved back to his desk.

Jack, curious as ever, tried to peek over his shoulder; only to see a Jack Sparrow voodoo doll. The chest was made of wood and so was the head, while the doll also wore beads and had a red bandana with dreadlocks woven in as hair. The doll's face was drawn on, a fair caricature of Jack, looking shocked.

"Sir. The woman is consummate in the art of deception." Jack said, trying to reason with him. "I know. I taught her. Though I cannot claim credit for her abundance of natural talent –" he came to a halt, when Blackbeard spoke again.

"Angelica. My daughter. The one good and true thing I have done in this world. And you claim to have corrupted her?" he asked Jack, glancing at him above his shoulder.

"But it was so easy."

Suddenly, the door was pushed open as Angelica entered the room, with Artemis not so far behind her. Unaware of the two men, the two women had eavesdropped from the other side of the door; both curious but also worried about what Blackbeard would do to Jack.

"Father?" Angelica said, taking a few more steps in while Artemis remained by the door. "Oh, good. He's still alive." She continued, upon noticing that Jack was alive and in one piece.

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