Chapter 24: Temporary Alliance

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Singapore - Nightfall


Artemis slipped through the dark alleys, a black cloak and hood helping her blend in with the darkness of the night. Like a cat, she hid and made her way towards the bathhouse, avoiding pirates and soldiers of the East Indian Company.

At last, the building came into view and just in time. For under the dim lights of the lanterns and the moon in the sky, she noticed Barbossa and Elizabeth being led inside and she knew that her time had come. She hid from shadow to shadow and made the turn of the building before finding what she was looking for.

A very simple door, barely noticeable with two guards standing right outside. Her hand went to her sword but then a different plan came to mind. A more efficient and smarter one that would make Jack grin with pride. An image of the man flashed into her mind and she took a deep breath to clear her mind and focus, ignoring the aching coming from her chest.

She grabbed a nearby stone and threw it into a nearby alley.

The sound of something, clacking drew their attention and after speaking in their native tongue, one of them went to investigate. Nothing was heard or seen. A few moments later the man came back but seemed to have lost weight.

His fellow guard noticed and was about to draw his sword but a strong hit on the head with a rock knocked him to the floor unconscious. Artemis raised her head and lifted the straw hat she was wearing, having taken the clothes of the guard she knocked out first to camouflage herself.

The robe of the pirate stunk of sweat but she would need it until she was on safe ground. She dragged the unconscious man into the darkness of an alley and tied both of them with a rope she had brought with her.

Then she ripped some of the other's guy robes and stuffed the piece of cloth in their mouths to keep them quiet before walking through the back door.

She passed a few other men but kept her face hidden under the straw hat and with a faint nod she was allowed to pass. Walking a few corridors, she ended up behind a changing screen. The light was not strong enough to make it transparent and allowed her to hide there.

Making a small hole carefully with her dagger, she had a view of the whole room. At her very right, Sao Feng sat all mighty with steam coming from the wooden planks below him. Across from him, different hot baths with his men sitting there.

Tattoos of dragons could be seen on their backs.

Her eyes went to the two figures that were pushed in, Barbossa and Elizabeth. The man was fine, but the woman was stripped of every clothing she had until she was wearing a simple bathrobe.

She stayed quiet and listened to their talk.

"Captain Barbossa. Welcome to Singapore" the Pirate Lord said and then turned to one of his female servants. "More steam" The woman pulled a rope and soon steam once again came from below him. "I understand you have a request to make of me"

"More of a proposal to put to ye. I have a venture underway and happen to find myself in need of a ship and a crew" Barbossa explained, putting on his most charming smile.

"This is an odd coincidence"

"Because you happen to have a ship and crew you don't need?" Elizabeth asked.

"No. Because, earlier this day, not far from here, a thief broke into my most revered uncle's temple and tried to make off with these." he held up some rolled-up papers. "The navigational charts. The route to the farthest gate. Wouldn't it be amazing if this venture of yours took you to the world beyond this one?" Sao Feng explained, and Artemis bit her bottom lip.

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