Chapter 40: Mutiny Gone Wrong

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Beneath the Deck, Queen Ann's Revenge - Sometime Later - Middle of the Day


After the sudden double revelation, Jack made a plan or better say; made a promise. He would find all the answers he needed about that damned ship and Artemis. He was thinking of approaching her first but he held himself back, feeling that perhaps he shouldn't; not yet at least.

So, he chose to try and get the information from the other person that could provide them and with whom Jack would like to have an extra talk, after the latest fiasco that led him to be a prisoner of Blackbeard's ship.

He hid in the shadows and waited until Angelica slid down the gangway and was all alone. Pulling her behind a column, he pressed her back against the wooden frame and held a sharp cargo hook to her throat.

"You are a ruthless, soulless crossgrained cur." He said, his dark brown eyes glaring faintly.

His former lover did not seem to be affected by the threat or his words. "I told you I had a ship."

"No. Blackbeard has a ship. Upon which I am now imprisoned."

"We can pull this off, Jack. The Fountain of Youth. Like you always wanted"

"Blackbeard. Edward Teach. The pirate all pirates fear. Resurrector of the dead in his spare time." Jack reminded him.

Davy Jones was one ruthless and dangerous individual but even he, could not truly stand against Blackbeard. It was one thing to be simply undead and a fully different being able to bring back the dead and who knew what else he was capable of.

Rumours were always circling him across the years and no survivor ever remained to confirm if those tales were right or wrong.

"He will listen to me," Angelica said, snapping him from his thoughts.

Jack, pressed the hook closer to her neck. If she was trying to trick him again, he was not going to let her. Captain Jack Sparrow might be a fool but he was a fool who learnt from his mistakes; especially when it came to women he once had a thing but were no longer as close as they used to be.

"He listens to no one." He reminded her.

It was, however, what Angelica said next that he would have never seen coming. "Perhaps his own daughter?"

He could not help but stare at her, trying to see if she was indeed telling the truth. With a grumble of annoyance, he pulled away the hook but still held it in his hands. "Daughter, as in, beget by?"

She nodded her head. "Long-lost. Recently found. Who loves her dear papa with all her heart and soul."

"He bought that?"

"I sold that." She confessed and now Jack knew, that it could not be true.

That little vixen had simply used her charms and lies to influence Blackbeard for her own gain. That felt, ironically, very very familiar to him and if Blackbeard was not as ruthless and dangerous as he was supposed to be; perhaps Jack would feel sorry for him.

"Then it's the Fountain of Youth for him, or him and you, not you and I." He said, realizing that she was simply cancelling her own words.

Or so he thought until Angelica dropped another bomb. "No, Jack. That's the best part. He will be dead."

Now one could consider him intrigued. "You'll be handling that part yourself?" he asked.

"There is a prophecy. Perhaps you don't believe in the supernatural..."

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