Chapter 26: Open Past Wounds

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The screams of everyone echoed in Artemis' mind and slowly her vision cleared. One moment, she could remember falling into nothing and now she was lying on her stomach on some sort of beach.

The sand felt hot under her face and arms, her body heavy and tired and yet her clothes seemed to be dry. She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the need to just lay there and get a quick sleep to regain her energy.

However, she was forced to open them when something pinched her cheeks. Blinking twice, she noticed that it was a pure white crab. She frowned, wondering if she was imagining stuff but the crab simply pinched her again as if reading her thoughts.

Not wanting to be pinched again, she slowly stood up and looked around her, seeing nothing but endless sandhills and sea, with no ending to the horizon. She tried to remember how she ended up there, but it seemed as if her memory had been wiped clean.

The sound of coughing and gasping for air caused her to turn and see the rest of the crew and her friends coming from the water. No one seemed to be in a better situation as they all walked on the sand.

"This truly is a Godforsaken place" Gibbs commented, taking a look around.

"I don't see Jack; I don't see anyone" Elizabeth pointed out as Artemis tried to see better but the sun was reflecting on the dunes and she could not see far.

"He's here. Davy Jones never once gave up on what he took" Barbossa informed them.

"It doesn't matter, we're trapped here by your doing, no different than Jack" Will argued.

No one noticed the line of white crabs that were walking towards Tia Dalma, no one but a certain redhead. Something pinched her leg and she looked down to see the same crab from before.

Curiously, she bent down and extended her arm. She was not sure what she was doing and she acted more based on her instinct. She expected to be pinched but instead, the crab walked on her hand before it started to carefully balance on her arm and stopped at her shoulder.

"Witty Jack is closer than you think," the mystic woman said out of the blue while petting a white crab.

Barbossa rolled his eyes at her nonsense but stopped when he noticed the white crab on the redhead's shoulder. His eyes went to the dark-skinned woman and then to Artemis but whatever he had in mind, he did not say it out loud.

Artemis looked at the crab on her shoulder and it seemed to be pointing at the dunes with one of its pincers. Artemis followed the direction and her eyes widened when a familiar mast showed up from one of the dunes and then a familiar figure, standing on top of the sail.

Everyone was looking now shocked as the black Pearl showed more and more before sliding down the sand as if it were water. If one looked closely, one would see endless white crabs carrying the heavy boat and moving it towards the sea.

"Impossible" Tai Huang exclaimed as everyone kept their eyes on the ship that was now standing still on top of the blue waters.

"Boat," Raggeti said, forgetting to blink, one finger pointing at the familiar ship.

"Slap me thrice and hand me to me, momma, it's Jack!" Gibbs exclaimed with a smile, not truly caring about how Jack managed all of that. He had already learned to accept anything when it came to his Captain and old friend.


Soon enough, the famous and much-alive Captain Jack Sparrow rowed a boat toward them. Standing in a line, sort of, everyone kept their attention on him as he started to walk on the sand, in his funny way due to the constant sea legs he got.

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