Chapter 44: Mermaids on the Attack

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Whitecap Bay, Nightfall


It did not take long for the ship to lay anchor a certain distance from the rocky shoreline. After that, the majority of the pirate crew and our heroes had taken the longboats and had moved to the shore.

Jack watched in silence as he stood on the ancient pier while the rest of the men were busy dragging large thick nets out of the longboats. The night sky above them was dark, barely any start visible as if they had been intimidated by the presence of Blackbeard himself.

Not a single sound could be heard, other than the grunt of the men and the splashing of the waves against the rocky shore. Not too far away from him, the only visible structure was an old standing lighthouse that towered above them and stood strong; despite the passing years since its construction.

"Lay 'em out flat, no tangles, mend the holes. Make 'em to look purty, for our dainty guests!" Blackbeard ordered, watching with satisfaction as the next part of his plan was about to begin. He then turned to face the old lighthouse. "We're going to need light. A lot of light." He continued and glanced at the two females under his command.

Without exchanging a word, the two of them started to follow him towards the wooden steps that climbed up the rocks towards the Lighthouse. Jack had also chosen to follow along with two normal pirates named Garheng & Salaman.

He kept glancing at Artemis, who had been quiet ever since they left the ship. It was obvious that she did not wish to be there and he knew why. Yet, she hid everything under the mask she wore, making it impossible for anyone to read her mind or her conflicted emotions truly.

Trying to distract his mind from everything, Jack had been busy talking to the other two men about the plan and the reason why they were in that bay in the first place.

"We require a mermaid's tear. So, we require a mermaid." He explained simply and yet, the men did not seem to share his thoughts.

Garheng especially, who shrugged his shoulder. "A mermaid. So?"

"You ever seen a mermaid? You start with a shark. Give them weapons. And make them all women." Jack explained briefly, even though he had never met them before, and did not fail to notice the faintest shift of Artemis; lips.

His words had amused her and he felt that inner warmth of personal satisfaction to see that he could still, somehow, make the mood slightly better. His lips still felt on fire after their last kiss not so long ago, clearly wanting more.

He kept glancing at her, wondering if she felt the same but she had her back turned on him and was too good to let him know; at least now.

"Beautiful women?" Salaman asked, quickly letting his mind fantasise about something completely else.

"Did you miss the part about the sharks?" he asked him, not believing that some men could think completely with their second brain.

Even he, who used to be like that, often thought with his first head to begin with; especially after meeting Artemis. That woman had turned his life upside down but made the whole ride the most enjoyable he ever had, and he regretted not a single moment of that.

"I heard Jack Sparrow once had the favour of the mermaids" Garheng pointed out.

This made Artemis lift a single eyebrow and glance above her shoulder at the three talking men. She knew that there were a lot of rumours about Jack but she had never heard that one. She doubted that this was a true story for he would have told her about it, wouldn't he?"

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