9 Baby Daddy

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Song: Humility- Gorillaz

"I am not good at this."  You used your teeth to rip the velcro from the boxing gloves.

You're just to scared to look like an idiot

"Obviously you aren't going to get good if you don't try your best."  Gojo sauntered into the room. 

"Shut up rat." You smirked at the nickname. "I am trying."

"First off, I will not allow that nickname. Secondly, you aren't trying. You're putting enough effort in so you can say you tried and can give up because you don't believe you can be good."  Unknown to yourself but carefully noticed by Gojo, your foot pivoted, shoulders squaring back and chest puffing out.  He chuckled at your attempt to seem bigger.  "I'll help you if you want."

Your head titled back, letting out a groan. "This is more effort than I ever put in."

"Neh cmonnnn~ What do you say?  Let me help my precious little underclassman."  He teased.

You sighed, "Fine."

"Great!  Choose your stance and lets start."  He clapped his hands, holding them straight out.  "This is the only time you're allowed to hit me for free."

You did so, the gloves stopped by Infinity.  After three of each side you looked at him expectantly.

"Eh it's okay, you sometimes overexert your arm, and your nondominat throw is sloppy.  And throw harder, or at least put more cursed energy behind it."

Your brows were furrowed focusing on the palm of his hands, throwing more hits. "So where's your boyfriend?"

"He's visiting his family for the day, since I'm keeping him over break."

"Thats nice." You stopped, looking up to him again.

"You're still doing it."

"Well then show me how I'm supposed to do it."

"Overextended your arm is obvious. Just stop doing it."

"Oh you're so helpful." You said sarcastically.

Gojo stuck his tongue out, "Fine, get closer to your opponent, that way you won't feel the need to do that. And put your entire body into it, the power doesn't come from just your arm."

You continued in spurts, looking to him for feedback every time. The information was obvious to him, making you nervous.

It feels like he's judging me

I'm not as good as him

Thats fine right?.  I'm just starting

"You're learning. If you aren't willing to look like an idiot at first then you'll never master the skill. Or so Suguru says. I'm great at everything." He grinned. "Now, listen up.

"A straight jab you mostly stay planted, but doing any other motions you need to rotate your hips and be quick on your feet.

"You hit really quickly which might surprise people, but it packs less weight. Closer and slower packs most weight."

"What if I want to hit fast and strong?"

"Get faster and stronger."  He said cockily.

You rolled your eyes, unwrapping the gloves, "So insightful. I'm done for now."

"Wanna grab a smoothie?"

"You don't need to hang around because of what I said last night." You cleared your throat. 

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