11 Spa

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Vibrating beside your head woke you. You groaned, flopping a hand around until grasping the annoying device. "Hello?"

"L/n! Come outside!"

I should have looked before answering

"Did I give you my number?" You croaked.

"Probably! Come outside!"

"No, it's early."

"It's urgent!"


"I'll buy you a smoothie!"



"What time is it?"

"Six am!"

"Oh my god." You ended the call, eyes sliding shut.

You're already awake just get up. You'll get two smoothies out of it. You're going to have to get up early for classes soon to

"Ugh, fuck me." You rolled Kune off, brushing through your hair, shutting the door behind you. It was too early. If you were watching the sun come up, it was to early. The outside was a nice temperature, a little on the chilly side with an acanisonal gust of wind.
A yawn brought tears to your eyes, your lagging mind the opposite from the two bastards in front of you.
You watched Geto, Gojo hauled over his shoulders, slam him into the ground.

Geto waved, a happy smile on his face. "Hey L-!"  He fell. Gojo made him fall. A regrettable decision, since Geto fell on top of him. And this is how the brawl started. Was it playful? As of now you couldn't tell, between Gojos devious smirk and Getos that matched.

They looked like two dumb animals rolling around in the grass, both trying to get the upper hand. Gojo did so, Geto had slipped on pinning his legs down, resulting in Gojo hooking them around and pushing Geto into the ground. There were hits thrown here and there and you decided they were if fact messing around since you were sure they could both hit harder than that. Geto was able to break from the entanglement and distanced himself, Gojo hopping up and doing the same.
Then they ran at eachother. Like those men on horses, swords in hand.

You wondered if either of them were going to stop or not, or if they were really just going to bang heads at a high speed.  Geto used the speed to throw Gojo around and to the side.  Particularly, your side.  Your eyes widened, mouth hanging open as his form flew toward you.

In a second, you took the brunt of the force and fell into the grass, Gojo sprawled on top of you.  You wheezed out, "If you don't get off I'll cut your head off."

"That hurt though, I don't wanna move."  Gojo whined.

You did not have the lung capacity for this.  Unable to get up, you settled for the next best thing.

Slapping and hitting his face.

"Woah woah okay! Geez," He rolled of and you immediately breathed in the fresh hair. "no need to get physical." He rubbed his pink cheek.

Geto strolled over with a sheepish look, "You alright?"

He shivered at the nasty look you sent, which was then accompanied with a kick to his shin. "Watch where you throw your dumbass."

Gojo cackled, watching his friend cradle his foot. You shot a glare his way, "And I know damn well you could have not smushed me into the ground! Dumbasses!" To end the rant, you kicked your heel down onto Gojos fingers. He screeched.

"What was that?!"

"So you know what my ribs just felt like!"

Geto sat on the grass with a smirk, completing the circle you'd all formed. "I knew you had a fire in there."

Haze of Bliss  • jjk x readerWhere stories live. Discover now