30 Star vessel

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"I've never been on a plane before..." You eyed the large thing suspiciously.

"Me either." Amanai spoke. "But I'm excited to try something new!"

"Hey, how old are you?" You questioned.

"14, what about you?"

"Oh...I'm seventeen." You frowned, looking ahead.

That's way to young for all this...

"Oh really?! You know, I bet you and Kiroki will get along. I hope she's okay..." The girls mood dropped.

"I'm sure she's fine. We'll get her back no problem." You assured.

She nodded, "I hope so."

You gripped the armrest for dear life as turbulence set in. The other three laughed, to which you sent a nasty glare. Once it smoothed out you relaxed, head resting back. You were so tired after no more than an hour of sleep, but it felt wrong to sleep while the other two were working so hard. Gojo was still using his technique and had been keeping a close eye on everyone in the plane, passengers and staff.  And Geto was supporting the plane with curses. 

"You should rest if you're tired." Geto nudged your shoulder.

"It'll be okay, we're going back to the school later on anyways."  You shrugged.

You'd ended up being unneeded as a decoy, which was good considering you didn't look alike and probably wouldn't fool anyone. Amanai was overjoyed to get her caretaker back, and Gojo had suddenly suggested you all relax for a bit at the beach.  You frowned, glancing at Geto who shrugged. 

Going along with his suggestion, you'd all ended up at a store by the beach for some swimsuits.  "Put that down!" You hissed, glaring at the strappy suit Gojo presented.

"Aww, cmon!  I bet you would look cute!"  Thankfully Geto came to your rescue for once, smacking Gojos head. 

"I don't need a suit, there's no way I'm going in the ocean."  You waved them away.

"Why not?" Geto asked.

"Cause there's sharks and stuff!"

"Not in the shallow part."

"Yes!  And theres pokey stuff or stuff that'll stab you!"

"Oh wow, sounds like alot of stuff." Gojo mocked.

"Shut the hell up, rat bastard!"

It ended up with Amani and Kiroki buying suits, Geto bought a hawaiian shirt which you giggled at, and you bought shorts and a shirt, desperate to get out of the uniform. 

You sat in the sand, drawing random shapes with a twig. Geto sat quietly, watching your hand, along with the three running around. "Do you want to walk along the water?" Geto offered. You hummed.

"Y/n-" Geto put his arm in front of you, making you run into it. "-theres a crab." He chuckled. You watched a crab begin to scurry away from where you were about to step. Only problem, it began scurrying toward you.

"Ah! Ew ew ew gross gross gross!" You backed into Geto, making him repeatedly step back.

"Its only a crab!" He laughed.

"Yeah well I don't like crabs." You stared at it, it stopped moving. "Why is it just sitting there? Is it looking at me?" Just as you said that it moved toward you at a quick pace. "Woah! Suguru!" You panicked.

Haze of Bliss  • jjk x readerWhere stories live. Discover now