13 Hide N Seek

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After such a long day you and Kune slept like rocks, dragging yourselves out of bed just in time to leave.

"Someone has bedhead."  Shoko joked.

"Me or Kune?"

Everyone looked over to the cat on your shoulder, her fur sticking out randomly.


You grinned, scratching the kittens chin and throwing your bag in the trunk. 

Gojo handed you a breakfast bar, "Since you can't wake up on time." 

You gratefully munched on it, "Thank you."

"My beauty Y/n!"

You choked as a redhead slammed into you, slapping your chest.  Your eyes widened, "What the hell?!"

"My sweet, you promised you would come see me today." The girl pouted, arms wrapped around your waist and cheek pressed against yours. "You're leaving already? You must come visit me!"

"Yeah you have to visit soon Y/n!" Anaise rocked back and forth on her heels.

"Woah, what did I miss?" Shoko wondered.

"You don't wanna know." You grumbled, squeezing away from Vivians grasp with warm cheeks. "You know you can't just propose to every girl you see." You huffed, falling as you finally escaped.

"Oh no, I have only proposed to you my sweet!" Vivian denied. "You are the only wife I want!"

You hung your head in defeat. Vivian looked over the other three students with her head tilted, finger over her lips. "Hmm, you two aren't my type. Theo, you may take your pick!"  You hid your smirk with your hand with a snort.

Gojo looked offended, "Hah?! What do you mean?!"

Vivians nose scrunched up, "Exactly that. Not my type at all, but I suppose you fit Theos type perfectly."
Said brother stood to the side, failing at hiding his red face.

"You're all sorcerers, aren't you?" Geto suddenly questioned.

"Hm? We are aware of cursed energy but we do not seek out curses." She answered, pulling you back into her arms.

"How is that?"

"I am afraid I hold no interest in risking my life for those outside my family." You gave up on fighting her, slumping back in her hold and she sat her chin on your head. "That is not to say I wish others harm, but being a sorcerer simply does not hold my interest."

I haven't really thought about it, the fact that sorcerers risk their lives for strangers. I guess I haven't seen curses to be life threatening...

"My sweet, do you plan to be a sorcerer?" Vivian mused. You shrugged. "Any which path you choose I shall support you as my wife!" She nuzzled you.

Your eyes darted around, cheeks flushed. "Alright that's enough of that..."

"My sweet Y/n, I must ask, will you truly consider my offer?"

You sighed heavily, head falling back, "If I'm still single by the time I'm like...40? We can get married."



"Hehe." Shoko chuckled.

I should just sign the marriage certificate now

You were quiet on the way back, head slumped against the window.  Kune nuzzled your cheek.  Once the car stopped everyone parted ways to unpack. 

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