56 Domain

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The streets of Tokyo were active today. From both human and curse.

"Megumi!" A young girls voice shrieked. You paused, peeking into the upcoming alley.

"They won't come out-!"

"I thought you just had to do the hand signs?!"

"I know! But it's not working!"

You continued walking, "Rally."

Ralph charged at the weak curse, clamping its neck in his mouth and effectively exorcising it.

"Is-is that one yours?"


Ralph payed no mind to the kids, trotting after you. The kids ran out of the alley after him but the both of you had already disappeared in the crowd.

Hand signs? Must be a sorcerers kid. Speaking of, has Miska had her kid? It must be time by now right?

You hoped it wasn't a complicated pregnancy or birth. Especially considering how badly she wanted a kid, and how Miki left.

As you neared the school dread filled your gut. Apparently every few years there was a meeting between high ranking sorcerers, going over things you could only guess. Despite trying to convince Yaga it was useless for you to be there considering you didn't involve yourself in the community, he insisted you needed to hear the information and pulled the 'its your responsibility as special grade' card.  You wondered if he was trying to force you and Gojo to be in proximity again. But you hadn't seen him since the fight, and you didn't plan on doing any more than that today.

Not to mention I bet stupid Naoya will be there too.

Damn Nanami, I should have made him come with me even if he isn't a sorcerer anymore.

The meeting wouldn't take place until the afternoon, but it was 8am when you arrived. You glanced toward Yaga as you passed the entrance, interrupting his conversation with a few managers. "You're early."

"Figured I mies well get some practice in if I'm here. Anyone using the field?"

"Its free to you." He nodded, turning back to the managers.

You stood in the midst of the field, taking a deep breath. "Domain Expansion; Peace in Hell."

When you opened your eyes you stood atop shallow red water, a blur of lights acting as the sky. A little ahead was a simple shrine with a noose hanging down. You sat, eyes closed in concentration. So far you could create a barrier suitable for a domain, but it was much more difficult to imbue your technique into it, which is what you were currently doing. After that you would need to refine it, force the separate actions into one complete technique. Once that was done Yaga had speculated that this would ease the mental toll while still being able to make use of your technique.

I wonder if I could sneak outta here...Yaga will probably be expecting that though, and he did say there would be a smoothie waiting for me if I attend. One smoothie isn't really worth seeing those two though...

You cursed as a crack sounded, the barrier shattering from your loss of concentration.

Song: Blame It On Me- Post Malone

Before you could even land onto the field a hand was wrapped around your throat, forcing you into the grass. Your eyes had been squeezed shut, grasping at the clothing of the person on top of you. "How quick, reinforcing your back even with such a sudden attack."

Your eyes narrowed as the hand around your throat tightened, "The fuck do you want, Naoya?"

"You already know." He smirked. "I don't suppose you'll come to the right conclusion yourself?"

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