31 Toji Fushiguro

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Song: Natural- Imagine Dragons

Geto instantly sprung into action, sending a curse after the attacker. You rushed over to Amanai.

I dont want to get in the way

"Satoru!" Geto shouted, face scrunched in worry.

"I'm fine! He didn't hit any vital organs, and I minimized the damage. Amanai is the priority, you and Y/n get her to Master Tengens place." He ordered.

"Don't let your guard down." Geto nodded.

"Satoru, be safe!" You shouted.

You weren't worried as Gojo took his glasses from his face, "Who do ya think you're talking to?"

It'll be fine.

Satoru is strong.

He's got this handled.

What if he doesn't?

You quickly pushed any doubts away. Geto led the way, followed by Amanai and you and Kuroki watching the back.

Arriving at the first threshold, Kuroki stopped. "Master Riko. This is as far as I go." She bowed.

You stood beside Geto as they said their tearful goodbye. As bad as you felt for their situation, you cared for Gojo much more, and found yourself wishing the girl would hurry up and give herself over. "I'm gonna check on Satoru. Be careful and hurry back, okay?"

"I will."

Geto didn't seem nervous even as he led Amanai further on, but you were unable to shake your nerves. Your legs were shaking. You felt like you were going to be sick. "Kuroki, lets go-"

It felt like slow motion as the bullet impaled her chest.

"You were unplanned for. But, that doesn't really matter." The dark haired man stood across the hall with a gun, a sick grin on his face.

Did he kill Satoru?

You hardly dodged the bullet meant for your head, charging toward him, knifes in hand, with an erie calmness.

Satoru isn't dead. He's only hurt. Shoko can fix him. He's not dead. He's only hurt.

Do I have to kill him?  I can probably just knock him unconscious, right?

"Hold on now girly." He dodged your attacks.  "Who're you?  Your cursed energy is pretty scary~" His eyes widened as you landed a hit on his cheek, knife slicing through the skin. 

How do I get the gun away from him?  I have to fight close range, but I'll die if he shoots me so close.

It was a standstill.  Until, the man pointed the gun at your head.  "I really hate jujutsu sorcerers, and you're wasting my time."

"You're annoying.  Do you make conversation every time you fight?"

"Only if they seem interesting." He grinned, pressing the trigger.

That was what you were waiting for.  Ducking and running low, the bullet whizzed over your head, and your knife sunk into his eye.  You wasted no time in drawing back and going for another hit, but he threw you away.  You crashed into the wall, stone crumbling around you, trying to catch your breath.

The man cursed, holding a hand up to his eye, blood pouring down from it.
Quicker than you could realize, the gunshot rang out and pierced your leg. Your scream echoed. "Fuck FUCK!" You slammed your head back, the man escaping further on.

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