52 Crack

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Shoko was still passed out when you left, you pulled the covers back over her before leaving. Kune meowed softly, and you patted her head as Ralph followed you out.

It was a long train ride to the coast. You didn't share a row with anyone, so you took the liberty off laying your legs out. More so with the look on your face and threatening energy, people avoided going anywhere near you. Running through the last few days in your mind was doing nothing to help anything, only forcing you to stew in more anger and frustration. Not to mention the cause of it all, the bounty.

Why was a bounty placed on me? I don't get it. Who would have even done that? Why? Why want me alive?

The answers to those questions would have to wait. The only thing you really cared about was making those twins suffer. Normally, you liked to be in and out on missions. You never wanted to spend longer than necessary, you never even gave curses the chance to detect you if possible. Arrive, exorcise, and get back home.

But this time would be different. This would be a fight.

And I'll make them suffer through it.

Hours later you arrived in Kushima, once again incognito. You stayed undetected on rooftops, and what luck it was that two identical people entered the town. Both with sickly pale skin, short dark hairstyles, and dressed in traditional clothing. Your eyes narrowed, not missing the way the sister clung to her slightly taller twin, both her arms intertwined with his one.

Song: When the Bomb Goes- grandson

Which of them should go first?

An hour later they finished their shopping, heading toward a more wooded area. Snapping your fingers twice, Ralph appeared. "Carefully follow them." Closing your eyes, you felt your cursed energy through him, feeling for any kind of resistance from a barrier.

I really need to get him stronger. He went from grade three to two, but he still has no technique or fighting prowess. He's convenient to use, but he's also weak.

After a few minutes of your cursed energy not reaching any further, you realized they must have reached their house. Your foot pivoted as you prepared to follow his tracks. Before taking off you carefully whispered, "Rally, mess with them. Scare them."

Surprisingly, your mind felt dead calm as you ran. There was no anger, no frustration, no sadness, no excitement. Only a target.

Passing a shrine, a cottage sat a little ways behind it. Your steps were silent on the cottages roof, pointer and middle finger held up. "Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure." With that, you let your cursed energy flair, sure to suffocate any normal person with fear. As the veil finished dropping, the brother came out wielding a sword, looking around cautiously. "You aren't even holding it correctly." You commented. "First grade my ass."

The brother grit his teeth, shoulders hiking as he craned his neck to look your way, "L/n."

"Before we start, you killed my two friends right? Why was that? To make it easier to catch me? If anything, you just pissed me off." You landed in front of him, forcing him to stumble back.

"We were going to kill everyone around you to bring you down...thus making it easier to capture you." He took careful steps back.

"Yeah well, that turned out to be a big ass mistake, didn't it? You're no first grade, so what's your sister doing inside hm?" He began gasping in breaths, stumbling back. You scoffed, "You wanna pick who goes first? You or her?"

"Chapter one!"

Dodging a attack from behind, you flipped behind the attacker. It looked like some manga character. Your gaze floated up to the strings attached to the character. "So she controls this, but what do you do?" You barely dodged the puppets attacks, watching hope fill the brothers eyes. Toying with it for awhile, you suddenly destroyed it with one punch, sending it crashing through the front door.

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