21 Alone

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You sat in the backseat of the black car, stomach rolling over with anxiety.  Glancing up into the rear view mirror, the manager gave you a tight lipped, closed eye smile.  You frowned, gaze turning to the window.

20 minutes before

"Oh L/n, so glad I found you!  You have been requested to take care of a curse, please come with me."

You looked over your shoulder to find a new manager.  His height must have been greater than Gojos, and his long straight black hair made his long face look even longer.  "I thought I wasn't supposed to leave on my own?  And I can't use my technique anyways."  You turned away.  "My class is starting soon."

"Forgive me for allowing you to think you had an option."  You froze mid-step, something cold pressing against the back of your neck.  "Failure to comply with your sorcerer duties will result in execution.  Not to worry though, with your grade this curse should be easy for you to handle.  Will you comply?"  The pressure of the sword increased, a bead of blood falling down your back.

Song: Blood//Water- grandson

Brakes squealed as the car came to a stop in front of a raggedy school. 
You slammed the door shut, glaring up at the man who stood a little ways away.

"Please head inside.  I will place a veil down. And your phone please, don't want any distractions now do we?"  He gestured.

I can only hope this is real

But why do I feel like I'm walking to my death?

I hope they see my messages...I hope they make sense. I was too scared to let the him see my phone so I had to send them from my pocket...please look at your phones!

With Miska

The woman frowned, already having wasted five minutes of class time due to your absence.  "Will you two go get her?  Drag her out of bed if you have to." 

With the second years

"Where's Y/n? I didn't see her around this morning." Gojo spoke, feet kicked up on a desk and work in front of him lying untouched.

"I haven't seen her today." Geto shrugged.  "Probably in class or bed still."

"I haven't seen her either." Shoko shrugged.

Both students and teacher jumped as the door flew open, revealing a teary Miska. "Y/n is missing!"

"Calm down."  Yaga spoke, rubbing the womans shoulder, "What is happening?"

"I should have checked my phone earlier!  She said a manager forced her on a mission to who knows where!"  Miskas eyes were wide with fear, "Who knows what situation the higher ups put her in!"

Gojo stood, Geto behind him.  "I should be able to track her cursed energy."

"Shoko, go with them."  Yaga nodded to the girl, who returned it. "Lets go have a talk."  He nudged Miska in the opposite direction.  "Those three will be able to handle the situation, lets do our part."

"Right."  She took a shaky breath.


There were more than a low grade curse here. You could feel it, like a gust of wind hitting your face. Sliding another door open, you could hear some faint sniffles. The room was empty, but there was a closet. Slowly, you folded the door to the side. Your brows furrowed, mouth falling open at the sight.  "Hey, are you alright?" You kneeled down to the small girls height. She had hidden herself behind some boxes of junk, shaking like a leaf. She only whimpered in response.

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