19 First Day

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You hardly woke up on time to make it to class, the bell ringing as soon as you arrived in the doorway, making the three people in the room focus on you.  "This better not be a regular problem Y/n."  Miska sang.  "I'll cut you some slack only because its the first day."

You hummed, ignoring the other two students in the room and taking the last desk closest to the window.  How comedic it was to have only three desks in a classroom. The one beside you with dark hair and a happy expression turned, "Nice to meet you!  I'm Yu Haibara!"


You nodded, "Nice to meet you."

The boy sweatdropped, turning his attention back to Miska.  What joyful classmates he had...

"Welcome!  I am Miska, teacher of the first years!  Today will be relaxed, I'll give you some work to complete  and the rest of the day you are free to explore the school or whatever you'd like.  Use today to adjust to your surroundings, because tomorrow the real work begins!"  The woman went on to explain a few papers and packets, mostly tests to see what everyone knew.  You skimmed over the pages, mentally crying.

The blonde was the first to finish, silently handing in the pages and leaving. You rested your fist on your cheek, either picking a random answer or putting a random number to quickly finish. Before you could leave Miska spoke, "Hold on now, let me look over this first."

"I thought I could leave right after." You frowned. "I can't cheat here."

"Let's go over your answers." Miska raised her brows, looking up at you. "Zero, zero, zero, sixty nine, I don't know, what is this, and a doodle of a cat. Y/n, you have to actually try." But when the woman looked up, you were already gone. You hightailed it out of there as soon as she got to your fourth response, wondering if you needed to hide for the rest of the day.
You passed a room, hearing Gojo cry, "I don't wannnaaaa!"

"Do your work before I duct tape you to that chair!" Yaga yelled. You giggled, however quickly stopped as the door swung open and you were snatched into the room.

"What the hell?!" Yaga pulled you into a stray chair, Geto quickly taping you to it. "What the hell?!" You repeated, mouth falling open. "What did I do?!"

"I don't think I can handle two of you." Yaga sighed deeply, massaging the bridge of his nose.

Gojo, stuck in the same situation, was dragged next to you. "Hey there Y/n! You flake out too?"

"I did answer the questions." You defended.  Geto and Shoko waved teasingly before leaving the room.

"How long are you gonna leave us like this?" Gojo pouted.

"Until you learn your lesson. Leave and you'll get a punishment far worse." Yaga warned, slamming the door shut.

"This is cruel and unusual punishment." You muttered bitterly.

"Yeah." Gojo agreed in the same tone.

"Are we really going to stay here?  It's like illegal right?"

"Trust me, it's best we stay here.  Miska will feel bad sooner or later."  Gojo sighed, glasses slipping down his nose.  "So, how was your first day?"



"You're an idiot."

"You're the one who couldn't pass her tests!"

"Shut up. Hold on how does everyone know that already?"

An hour later Miska had peeked in, scissors in hand.  She tried to keep stern but the facade was easy to see through.  It was now only noon, although it felt much later and you simply wanted to lay in bed the rest of the day. 

"Where are you going?" Gojo popped up beside you.


"Huh?  Absolutely not, you're coming with me."  And just like that, you were thrown over his shoulder.

"Where are we going?" You fell limp.

"Hotpot for lunch!  We're treating the first years.  How are they?" 

"One...I forgot his name...is bubbly.  The other is blonde, but emo?"

"Yu Haibara and Nanami Kento."  Gojo grinned, "You really are terrible with names."

"Are you some weirdo who remembers someones name a year later after meeting them once?" 

"Yes because that's a perfectly normal thing."

"No it isn't."

"Yes it is."




"What are you two arguing about now?"  Geto sighed.

"Who has the biggest dick."  You said sarcastically. Gojo choked on his spit in surprise, while Getos eyes widened. 

Meanwhile, Shoko was cracking up.  "I can't believe you just said that!  I'm gonna pee!"

"I mean if that's an argument you want to have..." Gojo recovered, speaking suggestively.

"Don't flirt with me.  With those weirdo eyes..." You shivered.

Getos expression held amusement while Shoko bent over holding her stomach, "You're gonna ruin him!"

"What did we miss?"  Yu spoke happily, skipping up with a cold Nanami behind him. 

"Nothing much, are you ready to head out?"  Geto spoke politely.

"Yep!  I'm excited!"

"Put me down you bastard."  You hissed. Something in your tone stopped Gojo from messing around further, gently placing you down. 

You, along with Nanami, didn't speak much throughout the lunch. He would monotonly yet politely answer any questions and then resume his quiet eating. You had hidden yourself between the wall and Gojo, silently observing the conversation with an unintentionally mean expression.
None of which detered Yu from speaking to you. "So Y/n, did you come to the school during the summer?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah." Your tone mimicked Nanamis, making Gojo tilt his head.

"She's so frustrating, always changing her mood like that." Gojo huffed.

"It's likely just because of the new people. Y/n only got annoyed when the first years saw her messing around. She doesn't seem to like to show weakness around people, especially when new." Geto explained, watching the sun set through the classroom window.  "If you hadn't pushed her, or rather pissed her off so much, I wouldn't doubt she'd still act the same around us."

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?!"  Gojo sent an offended look.

Geto chuckled, "I don't personally think its a bad thing, I'm just saying."

Gojo calmed down, resting his cheek on his hand.  "I wonder why she acts like that."

Geto held an amused expression, "I wonder why you always need to figure people out.  A lot of people act like that, humans in general don't like to be seen as weak.  You act similar, being all snooty if you find someone weak."

Gojo shot him a quick glare, but he couldn't object that fact. 


glad y'all seem to like kai:)

im curious, because im struggling to choose what i want to do in life, what are you guys doing/plan to do???

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