42 Frayed

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Song: Lost Cause- Billie Eilish

It felt as though you were living a dream. Everything that had happened since with star vessel incident, it didn't feel real. Sadness had turned to anger, to frustration. Numb. All of it swirled around within you.

The next week you chose not to go the classes, despite Miskas pleas and having nothing else to do. You had passed Nanami in the halls, and he carried a presense of anger, defeat, and sadness. Unsure of what to say to him, the last thing you wanted was to spend class time with only him. Plus, Miska was beginning to annoy you by constantly asking how you were doing.

"I'm leaving for a mission." Gojo spoke.

"Oh." You mumbled.

"It won't take long."


He frowned, "You okay?"

"I'll be okay."

"Ill see you soon, okay?"


He set a hand on your head before leaving.

I wish you would stop leaving. I want you to stay with me. I dont like sitting here alone.

Quit being selfish. Satoru isn't responsible for you. He's bettering himself, becoming stronger.
Leaving you behind.

Gojo's eyes widened at the figure stomping her way toward the school, face twisted in an angry expression.
"Yo Ms. Sato!  What can I help you with?"

"Where is my daughter?  She hasn't answered her phone in days!"

"Ah that would be my fault. She gave it to me to hold and I broke it." Gojo rubbed the back of his neck, "Sorry about that."

"For an entire week?" The woman rose her brow.

"It's been a busy week."

That seemed to somewhat diffuse her temper. "Well where is she now?"

"You know I'm not sure if she's-"

"Oh! She's coming out, great timing." The woman brushed past him, striding toward you.

"Wait-maybe-" Gojo sighed as you were ambushed by your mother. It certainly wasn't the right time for this. He watched carefully from afar.

Your expression was unchanged as your mother marched forward. "Is your phone really broken?"


"You know I expect at least a message every few days, is that so hard? I thought you were dead!"

"Do you? Well, I'm alive as you can see." You gestured sarcastically.

"I don't appreciate your tone." She glared.

"Well that's unfortunate." You spoke boredly, meeting her eyes with a challenging gaze. A mist of purple swirled in front of her face, and suddenly her eyes dilated and her body relaxed.

"Y/n..." Gojo warned.

Your gaze flicked to him before moving back to your mother. "You know, while I was away, I did a little test. When people have something on their mind, they're more likely to say it when angry." Gojo stayed silent, watching you pile on the potency of your technique before finally releasing it.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?!" She yelled, stomping toward you. "You've always been so fucking disrespectful! You never appreciate what I've done for you!" Your head moved to the side as her palm hit your cheek.

Haze of Bliss  • jjk x readerWhere stories live. Discover now