33 Sick

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"Su-gu-ru, can I play with your hair when we get back? You have to give me your routine, it's so nice." You pet the side of his head.

"Only if I get to do the same to you." He grinned.

You gave him a suspicious glance, "As long as you don't give me some crazy style..."

"Same goes for you."

"Nah, it doesn't."


"Noooo~" You ran ahead into the hospital. "Should we put a veil up-huh? What the hell?" You were enclosed in a box, with only enough room to spread your elbows. "Suguru, can you hear me?!" You frowned, looking around the box.

There was a sudden ringing in your ear and the box tilted to the left.

Song: Pac-Man- Gorillaz, ScHoolboy Q

You squeezed your eyes shut, a yelp falling from your lips as you fell. You landed and multiple crunches sounded.

Your eyes shot open to find all sorts of bugs scuttling around a room, covering every inch of it. It took no time at all for them to begin crawling over you. "Oh fuck no oh my fuck! Get off get off!" You flailed your limbs in every direction, stomping toward the door and throwing it open. Slamming it shut you danced around in circles, desperately wiping at your head and arms. "Gross gross, what the hell?!"

Taking a deep breath to calm your racing heart, you realized this hall looked like the ones at the school. You took careful steps forward, "Suguru?"

Something moved in the corner of your sight, making you whip your head around. "Fucking creepy as hell I hate this shit." Turning back around, the warmth drained from your face.

Two unknown people in jujutsu highs uniform were being torn limb from limb by curses. Another unknown sorcerer appeared on the other side of the carnage, pale as a ghost as they watched, frozen. "We-we didn't even make it to graduation...guys...what happened? What are you doing? Get up...please..get up...don't leave me alone...please..."

You felt like you were going to throw up.

His dead eyes met yours. "This is being a shaman? Nobody said anything about this."

There was a sharp ring in your ear and you were back in the box. Another ring, and it tilted forward.

You landed in a park in front of a swing holding a little girl. When she looked up, you realized she looked eerily similar to you as a child.

She had a tear stained face. "Mom, why do you hate me?"

Your mouth fell open in shock.

"I hate you! I hate you so much! You don't love me, don't care for me, I bet you wish you never had a kid in the first place! Your a terrible mom!"

Your eyes about popped out of your head. "M-mom?!"

"You hate me, I know it! I love you so much but you hate me! Moms aren't supposed make their kids hate themselves! You make me wanna die!"

Your breath hitched, tears welling up.

There was no time to calm yourself. The ringing sounded again, and you were thrown back into the box. Again, and it tilted to the right.

You were plunged into freezing water. It was a mistake to suck in a deep breath, the icy water filling your lungs. Your gargling was pitiful, all the while trying to find the surface, if there was one.

Just as your eyes were slipping shut, the ringing sounded and you were thrown onto the hospital floor. You immediately coughed and gagged, water splashing onto the floor while you heaved in breaths, although your body wasn't wet at all.

Haze of Bliss  • jjk x readerWhere stories live. Discover now