3 Dorms

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Songs: Doubt- Twenty One Pilots
             R.I.P. 2 My Youth- The Neighbourhood

Miska was still sleeping when you awoke. You could see her from the kitchen while you made breakfast, her eyes rolled back yet eyelids opened.  Between that and the fact that she still held the role of captor/kidnapper, you found yourself often glancing her way.

"Oi." You kicked the couch, Miskas eyes rolling back to the front. "You know you sleep with your eyes open?"

"Yes." She said bashfully, "It often scares people."

"Yeah it's freaky." You said monotonly, handing her a plate, "Hope you're not allergic to peanuts. Lets start."

You had already heard about the school, a place where young sorcerers learn all there is to jujutsu and fight curses, along with it being a staple of their community.
And so Miska was left to explain what jujutsu is, what curses are, and with that re-explain what your suspected technique is.

Your head was pounding by the end of it.

"So, what, it's like an aura that you control? And you use that to kill curses, cause it's the only thing that'll kill them?"

"That's a good way of saying it." She nodded. "At the school, I'll teach you how to keep that aura from flowing out, and how to use your technique. You will learn some history of jujutsu, along with regular courses. But once you graduate you have no obligation to become a sorcerer or stick around."

You bit the inside of your lip, looking behind her to the window.  "Well if you're gonna kill me I guess I don't get much choice."

Miska smiled sadly, "I'm sorry.  I promise it isn't as bad as you think.  We have lots of fun!"

"It is hard?  To do this stuff?"  You rested your cheek in your palm.

"I think it depends on the person, and where you're starting from.  Some people are just naturally good and others take more work.  But thats what I'm here for, to teach you!" 

"So it's difficult."  You sighed, "I'll have my mom transfer me I guess.  When do I start?"

"Tomorrow would be great.  We have dorms so you'll have to move in.  Unless you want me on your couch every night."  She chuckled.

"No, I have a feeling you'd give up the lie.  My mom is seriously going to kill me."  You stood, dragging yourself to your room with a frown, "I'll start packing."

A little over an hour later you had bags piled beside of the front door.  "We can drop this stuff off and be back by 4, yeah?"

"Yeah, just depends how long it takes you to unpack."

You closed your eyes, leaning against the headrest.  The sun warmed your face, a small comfort as you fell into a swirling pit of anxiety.

My mom will definitely be upset for awhile.  She hasn't been alone longer than a work day.  But, she has to know I can't spend the rest of my life following her around.  She'll just have to find a hobby or something.  Ugh, but I don't really want to leave my room behind.  I don't really want to learn something entirely new either.  I was hoping to just glide through the rest of my school years, not be surrounded by some hippy sounding shit

Oh my god

You whipped your head over, "Just so we're clear, this isn't some hippy cult?  Are you on acid?"

"Oh my gosh!  No!"

Alright then

Maybe this won't be so bad.  I just have to keep that attitude.  Ah, I havent been in a school since elementary though.  Curiosity will get me through

Curiosity killed the cat

Shut up

We're already here?

Everything about this place moves quickly

Miska helped you move your things into the room before leaving to do some paperwork, leaving you to look at the bare space with your hands on your hips. "At least I like unpacking."

The space was almost like a little apartment. The door to the hall opened into a little space, a bathroom off to the right and forward being the entrance to the actual bedroom. The bedroom was pretty big, bigger than your one at home. It held a twin bed, which was unfortunate. "I'll definitely fall off." Along with a desk and chair, armoir, and sliding door leading to a little porch outside.

Starting with the bed, you ripped everything off before replacing it with your own things. The rest was mainly setting up your bathroom things, quickly cluttering your desk with random nicknacks, and hanging up or folding clothes, all of which you completed quickly.

Miska had taken you back with enough time to make dinner before your mother arrived.

The dinner went much like you expected. Your mother asking Miska many questions, many of which you had to answer, or rather lie. Your mother was upset she would now, and so suddenly, be home alone.
She cried pitifully while saying goodbye. You didn't shed any tears, but your stomach twisted painfully.

You slid your shoes off in your front room, Miska pulling something from behind her back.

You wrinkled your nose, "Could you have picked anything uglier?"

"Sorry." She chuckled, "Its what Yaga would give me. It has some actual use. It's set for the minimum output of cursed energy. You should hang onto it and do so, if you don't..." The toy in her hands suddenly came to life, throwing fists around before calming again. "If you don't mind..." She placed a finger on your forehead, causing pressure to erupt in your head. You blinked quickly, blue encompassing Miska. "The pressure will fade, it was to make you aware of cursed energy until you can do it on your own."

"Alright..." You took the toy between two fingers, holding it away as its fist swung. "How fun."

"I'll come get you in the morning around nine. Goodnight."

You cleared your throat, "Night."

You collapsed onto the bed with a groan, the stuffed animal doll thing punching the back of your head. 

After you got to the point of going a few seconds of not being hit, you put on your current favorite show, hugging the stuffed animals arms to the side so it wouldn't actually hit anything.

Rowdy laughter sounded from down the hall, steps soon following.  It surprised you, making the toy leap from your grasp and punch you square in the face.  "God dammit you motherfucker!" 

It thudded against the wall, landing on the floor in a sad heap.

"I'm done.  This is abuse."

"What was that?"

You tensed, realizing you'd probably yelled a little louder than necessary.  You'd have to get used to not being home alone all the time.


im so excited to get into this

i put miskas design at the beginning of the last chap in case u didn't see it, dont judge my drawing skills

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