14 Summer Time Fun

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The entire incident was quickly brushed aside. The higher ups clearly lied in saying that they hadn't called the hit, therefore your threats were pushed to the side. Still though, you were pissed. How obvious could they be? And now, you were no longer allowed to use your technique without permission, doing so would result in immediate execution. That in particular pissed Geto off. He also wasn't allowed to use his technique freely, but he only had to inform them before. And even if he did, the punishment was nothing more than being reprimanded by Yaga.

Last night the two had stayed around until you went to bed, claiming you should stay close from now on. Gojo didn't doubt they would continue pinning for your life.

Song: Summer Days- Martin Garrix, Macklemore, Fall Out Boy

"We should do something fun today."  Gojo said lazily, cheek scrunched under his palm.

"Like?"  Shoko pressed.

"I dunno.  Summer stuff."

"Like?"  Geto pressed.

Gojo huffed, "You guys are annoying."

"So are you."  Geto grinned.

"You're more annoying."  Shoko grinned.

At that time you walked into the kitchen, beach towel wrapped around your chest and phone pressed against your ear.  "I will before break ends, but if you keep asking I won't come at all."  You winced as shrieking blared through the phone.  "I won't if you keep doing that either!"

The other threes eyes trailed over you as you strolled through the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle and muttering an annoyed 'bye'.

"Who was that?"  Gojo asked.

"You're nosey."

Said boy slumped down onto the table, "Why is everyone so mean to me?!"

"It's easy to do."  Your lips twitched up, "It was Vivian, and Anaise.  I don't know how she got my number and I'm too scared to think about it." 

"Oh," Shoko raised her hand, "I gave it to her."

Your eye twitched, "You were my favorite." You shifted, adjusting the towel, "I wanna go to the pool."

"Sounds good, wait for us." Gojo spoke, leaving to get ready with the other two.

You frowned.

This feels like prison. First I can't leave school grounds myself and now I have to be escorted everywhere

You'd found a floaty for Kune to sit on, who surprisingly happily relaxed.  You patted her head and tied the floaty near the stairs, swimming off on your own.

The calm water was quickly disrupted by their rowdy behavior.  "We should play chicken!"  Gojo suggested.

"The hell is that?"  Shoko questioned.

"You get on another persons shoulders and the people on top fight, whoever falls first looses."  Geto explained. Shoko shrugged and all eyes fell on you.  Sighing heavily, you nodded.

"Girls against boys!"  Gojo called, pushing Getos head into the water and climbing on his shoulders. 

"Bastard, at least give me a warning!"  Geto growled, face dripping as he attempted to steady himself.  Gojo snickered coyly.

You and Shoko looked at each other, "Not it."

She deflated, "Ahhh, fine."  She climbed onto your shoulders and it was obvious to you both you would be loosing this game.  Gojo loomed much higher with a creepy smile.

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