64 Minds Deception

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"Aren't they kinda young to live on their own?" You questioned.

"Ah. But they've done it this long haven't they?" Gojo shrugged. Currently the both of you were heading to the kids apartment to give them the credit card from the school for food and such.

"Yeah but its kinda sad...I mean, what if they get sick? Can they even cook? What if they choke and die or something?!"

Gojo looked at you with wide eyes, "The probability that they choke and die is pretty low...I assume."

"What if they get jumped? Or robbed? What if someone breaks into their apartment?!"

"I think you're going a bit overboard. But, if you're so worried, why don't you check in on them every so often?"

"Still though, they have no parental figure. Will that mess them up? They're at a crucial stage in mental development."

"How do you know that?"

"I remember thinking it when I was seven."

Gojo snorted.

"Shut up. I was never able to act childish until you came along."

"Are you saying you want to be a parental figure?"

"Oh no I'm a terrible example and so are you."

Gojo sighed dramatically, "I think you're overreacting."

"Satoru, have you ever had a field day, or bring your parent to school day, and have no one show up?"

"Nope, I was taught at the Gojo residence until the highschool."

"Well it sucks!"

"Well it isn't like we can...hire a mom. Thats creepy."

You suddenly stopped walking, absolute horror on your face. "Who will take them trick or treating? Who's gonna get them Christmas presents? And their birthdays!"

Gojo tilted his head, "We can handle that much at least."

"Oh my god Satoru, I think I'm having a midlife crisis."

"I would hope you arent midlife yet."

"Its still a crisis!"

Gojo knocked on door 29, and immediately growling came from the other side. Though after a moment it stopped and the locks began clicking. The door opened to reveal a young girl with long dark hair. She smiled politely, "Hello Gojo, hello Y/n."

"Hey Tsumiki!" Gojo energetically greeted.

She shut the door behind you both, "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"We're okay, where's Megumi?"

"In his room. Would you like me to get him?"

"Nah, that's okay. Here's the new card." He whipped it out of his pocket, twirling it around.

"Oh! Thank you so much!" She bowed.

She's so polite...

Looking around the apartment, the walls were painted a dark color, giving it a bit of a dingy feel. It was otherwise decorated with regular random knickknacks.  "Well, see ya!" Gojo waved, and you quietly followed behind him, shutting the door. "So what will you do?"

"Ugh, I dunno..."

-Next Day-

You had spent a good portion of the day lazing around with Kune. That was interrupted by Yaga requesting you take care of a curse that developed after an idols meet and greet. Now that that was done, you were walking down a pathway in the park on the way back to your apartment, enjoying the fresh breeze. However, you paused as the same growling from yesterday sounded. To your left there was a bench hidden in the trees, and Megumi sat there with his white demon dog. His head popped up, only to slouch once again after spotting you. He looked sad.

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