26 Buddhist Shrine

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Song- Oil- Gorillaz, Stevie Nicks

Your eyes were only cracked open waking into class, a large yawn escaping.

"Morning!" Miska cheerily greeted.

"Morning. Where is everyone else?" 

"On a mission."

"Shouldn't I have gone?" You slumped in one of the seats.

"Nope! You're with us today!"  You jumped, though it was stopped by the weight over your shoulders.

"I'm with you every day."

"Hey Y/n, Miss Miska." Geto greeted.

"I'm going to start pushing Y/n on missions.  With that experience and hopefully successes, we can get her to special grade."  Miska explained. "To begin, there is a second grade residing in a shrine.  Boys, take notes for me."

"On what?"  You questioned.

"You."  Miska smiled gently, "Don't get nervous.  It's just so we know what to work on."

"Now Y/n, I am a tough teacher."  Gojo began, faking a posh accent.  "It is very difficult to impress me!"

"If you aren't careful we may just fail you."  Geto added, teasingly nudging your shoulder. 

"This is not fair, how are kids the same age as me my teachers?"  You sighed, throwing your head back. 

Fuck, I'm kinda nervous

It was an average temple, walkways surrounded by greenery along with a few red and black buildings.  The entire area had been cleared of people. "Here's your Buddhist shrine field trip."  Geto joked.

"Oh joys."  You sighed once again, watching Gojo place down a veil.  "Do you guys really have to watch me?"


"We can just lie can't we?"

"We can, but we won't." Gojo patted your head, "It'll be fine."

"This isn't anything like before, you've been training hard." Geto comforted. "And we'll be right there if you need any help."

You led the way with hesitant steps, knifes grasped tightly in your hands. You followed residuals until they got stronger and stronger, leading you into a basement. "Of course it's down here." You huffed. The two chuckled.

The opposite went for human fights, but in this situation you found yourself wasting no time to make the first move. Your knifes were evenly coated with intense cursed energy, slashing at the curse in a fluid motion. You cringed as it screeched, exploding from the force of your cursed energy.

That's disgusting but pretty fucking cool

"Oof! Satoru get off of me you beanstalk!" You huffed, attempting to hold Gojos weight leaning on your back. "I'm gonna fall over!"

"Whooo!  Y/n will be a special grade in no time!"  He ignored your glare.

"I cannot carry you!  Get offa me!" Instead, there were eyes on your shaking legs as Gojo put more of his weight on you. 

"Come on Y/n, celebrate your acomplishment!"  Geto grinned.  You directed a glare his way, which he also ignored.

"You gotta be-ugh stop putting more weight on me!" You shrieked, stumbling further down. "This! Isn't! Fair! Oof!" You hit the floor with a thud, Gojos form sprawled over you. "You're gonna crush me get off!"

"I feel you're calling me fat."

"I'm going to call you a lot worse things if you don't move." You threatened.

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