63 Child Army

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"I need your help with something." Gojo suddenly approached you one day, asking for help nonetheless. It was suspicious.

"With what...?"

"Well-" He then went on to explain that Toji Fushiguro's last words had been about the predicament of his son. And what had he decided to do? Track him down and plan to meet him, then go from there.

"I'm surprised you want to help his kid..." You rose a brow. Afterall, anything to do with Toji was a sore spot for him.

"Yeah well, I want to change this shitty jujutsu world and I can't do it alone." He grumbled. "And he has the ten shadows technique. It would be useful to have him on my side."

"This is why you asked to be a teacher? To build a child army?"

"It sounds bad if you put it that way."

You gave him a suspicious look, "Satoru, to be honest I have a hard time believing you'll be able to separate Toji and his son."

He pursed his lips, looking to the side. "I...can. I know he's just a kid, and I don't want to take away his childhood. I want to build him up toward a better society. One that isn't run by those old men."

"I get it, but is recruiting more people to be sorcerers really a good thing? This job sucks. It's terrible."

"Which is what I want to change. This will always be a profession. Shouldn't we try to make it better for future generations?" His gaze hidden behind the glasses turned back toward you.

You looked at your reflection in the black orbs for a moment before sighing, "I trust your judgment. And don't talk about future generations, we're only 19."

"Hehe, great! Lets go."


"It feels wrong to corner him like this.."

"We aren't cornering him, just intercepting."

"I dunno if thats better." You sighed, said boy coming into view as you rounded the corner.

"Oi! Fushiguro Megumi, right?" Gojo called.

The boy turned around and your lips formed an 'o'.

They look just alike...

"Who are you? And...whats with the faces?"

You whipped your head over to see Gojos disgruntled expression, shoving him with your shoulder. He looked away with a pout, "Just thinking you look similar, thats all."
Getting over the terrible first expression, Gojo began explaining. "So listen. About your dad...he's actually from the big shot Zenin sorcerer family. But they're such scumbags they make even me sick, which is why your dad left the family and had you. Now, you have powers and you can see them right? I know you've already manifested your cursed technique too." Megumi took all of this in with a completely blank expression. "The Zenin family just loves strong powers. Most manifest between the ages 4-6, so you're at the prime time to sell!  You're something your dad kept from the Zenin family. His trump card." Gojo made grabby hands, "Pisses you off, doesn't it?" He squatted down, "So, about that dad of yours, I ki-"

"Chill out dumbass!" You kicked his arm, making him fall against the building. "You suck at this!"

"I don't care." Megumi interrupted. "I don't care where he is or what he's doing."

Well he certainly isn't doin much...

"I haven't seen him in years. I dont even remember what he looks like. But I got the gist of what your talking about. Tsumikis mom hasn't come back in awhile either. So that means they're done taking care of us...and living happily together."

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