55 Tomb Town

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Side Quest Mode: Activated

You answered Yaga's call with a sigh. "I hope you're going to ask how im doing. Our calls don't always have to be business, ya know."

"Do you really want me to ask that?"

"...probably best you don't."

"I was contacted about a case in Shirakawa. Seven dead in the past three months, and unease in the town is only creating more curses. I want you to take it. There seems to be something off."

"Something feels off about curses?" You repeated sarcastically, quickly speaking again before he could. "Fine, I'll do it."

"Thats good, because I've already set up a manager to drive you." With that, he hung up.

"Rude." You rolled your eyes as the usual black car rolled up.

Right on time.

It was a long five hour drive to the mountainous village. You had more than once asked the manager to speed it up, and then wondered why you hadn't just kicked them out of the drivers seat.

The annoyance washed away as you came upon a road in the mountains, two cop cars blocking either way and the usual caution tape surrounding a portion of the road.

"Lets go." You urged the manager, quickly approaching the scene.


"Hold it Thomas, this case is getting handed off." An older man held back the likely newby.

"She don't even have a uniform on." The newby scrunched his nose. "Whos takin over?"

"Don't ask me, ain't even heard of it before. Alls I know is we're off this case. She specializes in it, so its better off."

Of course, you had read over the case while in the car. But somehow, you expected 'tombstone appears attached to bodies' as an exaggeration. It was not. Though having only died twelve hours ago, the old mans body was half decomposed and crawling up the base of the tomb, which was placed on his chest. Obviously a curse of some sort. Victims had ranged from woman in their twenties, to this old man, even to a cat.

"Manager, follow me and read off the deaths please." You spoke wandering into the woods.

"Right!" They jogged after you. "No.1 male, 50, heart attack. No.2 female, 32, breast cancer. No.3 female, 32, childbirth. No.4, female, newborn, organ failure. No.5 male, 37, suicide by overdose. No.6 female, 14, nutritional deficiency. No.7 male, 74, unknown."

"The fuck am I supposed to do with that?" You huffed.

Having not sensed the curse anywhere near the area, you had the manager drop you off at some diner with the papers. Considering all the deaths were at different places, you figured it had to be curses placed on the victims. There was information on no.1, in his medical report that he was high risk for such a death since his forties. No.2 had recently found about her cancer, but considering how far along it was, she had refused medical treatment. No.6 had a nutritional deficiency since birth. The rest were lacking in medical profiles and there was nothing interesting in their personal profiles.

There was a creak in the booth in front on you, the newby from earlier inviting himself over. "Can I help you?" You said sarcastically, eyes not leaving the page.

"I don't think its fair that you just get to take over this case. Especially if we get no information or closure regarding it."

"Too bad neither of us are in charge of that." You spoke absentmindedly.

"So someone is in charge of you?"

"Does it matter?"

"Well kinda."

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