78 Funeral

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October 21, 10:27 am

"You even wanna go?" Gojo questioned.

"My grandma dealt with some of the same things with this technique, so I feel like I should at least acknowledge her." You shrugged, leaning back against the deep windowsill.

"But she's dead?"

You snatched the smoothie away from him (he had stolen it from you first), "Its like...a principle."

"Oh I see, I didn't know you had those." He grinned, taking the styrofoam cup back.

"Know what I don't have one for? Beating your ass."

"I don't mind if you spank me~"

"Satoru I swear to god."

"Swear to god that you'll spank me?"

"How did the topic of a funeral turn to this?"

"Don't remember." He shrugged, glancing at his phone. "We should probably leave if you want to make it in time."


"I feel I'm intruding." Ginger whispered.

You snorted, "Your only standing outside the car? You don't need to come in."

"Oh thank god!" She collapsed in relief.

"I don't know how long we'll be so take care of what you need to, don't worry about picking us up." You waved her off.

"Yes sir-ma'am-Y/n-"

"I get it." You assured.

"Right!" Ginger saluted.

Both you and Gojo were only dressed in uniform, though he had changed to his sunglasses. However, the difference in attire wasn't what made the entirety of the room go still once you walked in.

He had of course held the door open, before catching up and swinging an arm around your waist. There were seats filled with no more than thirty attendees, a mix of sorcerer and normal people. The chatter in the room went silent as they processed their quick glances. Sorcerers or not, everyone sat still, backs straight and gaze to the front.

Whether they knew your names or not, whether they knew your power or not, it didn't matter. The tall white haired man that carefully surveyed the room and the nonchalant woman at his side unintentionally demanded such a reaction.

Your nose twitched ever so slightly at the sight of Enzo, staring at you with a hard gaze for a moment before turning around. But, you had expected him, and his reaction.

What you hadn't anticipated was your mother sitting beside him.

You were already beginning to feel irked, chest tightening ever so slightly. You had chosen seats in the back row, in the isle. Gojo squeezed your waist, whispering into your ear, "Just so you know, your making them go pale as ghosts."

Normally, you kept your cursed energy very tight against your body, more so than a normal jujutsu sorcerer. Your cursed energy held a more awful feeling than most, so doing so helped to keep others from feeling uneasy around you. Unfortunately, it wasn't an automatic thing. Loosing your focus meant others around you, even fellow sorcerers, felt that extreme uneasiness.

Since Gojo hadn't explicitly said to reel it in, you assumed he didn't exactly want you to and found it amusing. Despite it, you did so, shifting in your seat.

The service shortly followed, a small and quick one. Apparently your grandma had come from old money and hadn't had a job her entire life besides a few years of  "private employment" aka sorcery.

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