51 Red Blues

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Song: Play Dead- Tom Walker, Raf Riley

Your heart was hammering in your ears, steps echoing as you walked into the living room.

Your breath hitched.

Time froze.

Your steps splattered against the floor dropping to your knees besides Kai's head. "Please no no no, Kai please!" All at once time came crashing down on you. Your hand pressed against the slash on his throat, pulling his head into your lap. "Kai please please please don't leave!"

You were covered in his blood. It had smeared all over his cheek and hair. You bowed over him, forehead pressing against his. " 'm so sorry. 'S my fault I shouldn't have left you I'm so sorry please forgive me im so sorry."

You weren't sure how much time passed before you lifted your head, reaching a bloody hand into your pocket for your phone.

Who...do I even call?

Shoko, Yaga, and a few others appeared three hours later.

There were now bloody footprints leading around the home, but you again sat by Kai's side, rubbing your thumb across his cheek. "Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry-"

"Y/n!" Shoko called, dropping at your side. "What the hell happened?!"

"Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry-"

Shoko grasped your cheeks, turning your gaze to her. Your eyes were dark. Lifeless. Empty. "What happened?" She asked slowly.

"I left them...and when I came back...they didn't take anything. Nothing was moved. They just killed them." Your lip quivered. "Shoko I can't I can't -!"

She quickly pulled you into a hug, shielding the bodies from view. "Just calm down for a moment Y/n. You don't want to curse them."

I can't curse them. Let them move on together. Leave them be.

"There were residuals of two people, but not until the living room." You murmured monotonly.

"Likely curse users." Yaga explained. "I hate to ask right now, but what would you like us to do with them?"

"We should see what was in the will first." One of the managers interrupted. "We should have it soon."

"I can keep them in the morgue." Shoko said.

"I have to go." You mumbled, pulling away from her. "I'm gonna find them."

"Y/n just wait-" Yaga held out his arm, stopping you.

"Doesn't matter if I kill curse users right? I'm gonna kill them." You pushed past him.

I'm gonna kill them

You had Ralph get the scent of the curse users, along with closely studying the residuals yourself.

Leaving Kai's home, you had no plan. For two days you roamed the city, hoping to pick up on some more residuals. But, neither you nor Ralph did.

However, there were plenty of other curse users wandering about just outside of Kyoto. You followed an old woman into a dingy, run down bar. Just in case, you wore a mask and a beanie to conceal your identity. You made your way to a table in the corner, listening to the chatter.

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