1 Point and Shoot

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Song: Lost in Paradise- Ali, Aklo
Italics are thoughts
Bold and italics are dreams

The couple had never seen such a beautiful city.

It was so strange.  Residents walking down the sidewalk waved, as did shop owners, quite excitedly despite their droopy eyes.

"Everyone seems pretty happy here!" The woman exclaimed, her furrowed brows relaxing.

The man that had been clenching the steering wheel relaxed his hands, his set jaw doing the same.  "Yeah...maybe we should stop here instead of the next town. It looks like there's a Inn up ahead."

"I agree! We passed a sushi resturant that looked nice too!" The womans smile stretched across her face unlike it ever had before.

"That sounds good, Honey." The man nodded, excitment filling him to try a new place, and to top it off, share a nice meal with his lovely wife.
The car's lights turned off, two doors gently shutting. The couple took a breath of the sweet air, smiling to each other.

24 hours earlier, with unnamed couple

"Why don't you slow down? You're way above the speed limit." The woman uttered, facing her body toward the door.

"It's a backroad, there's no cops around here." The man defended, dissmissing the worry.

Her muscles tensed. Maybe you'll hit a tree and bash your head in

"How about that one?" The man asked, nodding toward a hotel coming up.

"Tch, obviously not.  It's a step above a motel at best."  Her sparkly jewlery, designer dress, and bag pointed that she wouldn't accept anything less than the best.  The car came to an adrupt halt, making her lurch foward. "What the fuck?!"

"Where the fuck do you want to go then huh?! I'm sick of driving and you can't make up your damn mind!" He yelled.

"You're the one that wanted to take this dumb trip!"

"You're the one that fucking invited herself!"

She pursed her lips, looking out the window, "Whatever."

Her wet hair dripped down her matching pajama set, creating a few darker spots. She perked up when the water turned off, her husband soon stepping out in sweats and a old t-shirt.

"I'm sorry for being difficult...I only came along because I thought it would be good for both of-" Her heartfelt apology was cut short.

"Shut the hell up." The man settled himself in one of the queen beds, flicking his lamp off. Stupid bitch

Currently, with Y/n

This place has been weird recently...

While at the store yesterday, everyone had wide smiles on their faces, merrily greeting everyone they walked past.  Your mother, who always complained after coming back from work, held the same attitude. It was weird.

You must have missed some town meeting or something. 

Is there something cycling around?  The hell are these people on...I need some of it

You sighed tiredly, wiping a bit of blood that dripped down your nose. For some reason, you stood at the opposite side of the spectrum of these people.  The nosebleeds had started mid last night, a nice surprise to wake up to.  It had only gone downhill from then.  You felt exhausted, head fuzzy and body heavy.  Sleeping, medicine, coffee, energy drinks, you'd tried them all to no avail.  Any and all energy poured out of you, with no sign of coming back.

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