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His hands fumble with the racks of the mammoth closet, appraising every mold of clothing to complement his meadow green and beige ensemble, whilst the senior most and another young man months venerable than him awaits in anticipation and piqued temperament.

"Taehyung! It's been three quarters of an hour! Where are you?!"

"A king is never late, others are simply early!", Taehyung shrieks from his cubicle, marginally leaving the door ajar, permeating its way to the older and his prized relative.

"At least Queen Renaldi is less stuck up than you are!", Jimin shrieks back in same steadfastness in purposeful demeanor to ruffle the youngest's feathers whilst the woman chortles in amusement.

"Speak less and I might speed up!"

The older groans in vexation.

"See, halmoni, your grandson slacks more. You're nice unlike him, who makes me wait because he has to look good," Jimin titters at the older woman.

"He's starting to get stingier, I see," Taehyung trudges down the stairs, donning himself in a mahogany autumn coat, unvarying of the shoe on the feet which headways down to the two ethereal figures as him.

"I'm sorry, halmoni to keep you waiting," Taehyung places a gesture of endearment at her visage, "and no sorry to you," punctuating with a tongue gesticulating the other young man.

"My own best friend is firing away on my birthday. What did I do to see this day?", Jimin loops his head with a mock crestfallen visual.

"Because it's your birthday. You were born to be pestered by me," Taehyung retorts in a cheshire, boxy smile.

"Not on my birthday!", Jimin pleats his hands whilst aerating his mochi cheeks, trudging behind the taller man, levering the wheelchair, where his beloved grandmother sit.

"Your grandson didn't grow up at all. Nice, I'm late at my own gathering. Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung might be bored to death with how late you are."

Taehyung levels his hands in false surrender, "Oops. Sorry."

"You aren't sorry, Kim"" Jimin sneers, stowing himself to the left of the back seat, whilst Taehyung helps the woman in the middle, before gracing the right.

"To Taehyung's vacation house please, ajhumma,"

Jimin regards the lady in the driver's seat.

"Of course, Jimin," The lady replies in a mellow tone and accelerates the car in gas.

"Halmoni is my new best friend from today on. I don't know Kim Taehyung," Jimin manifests his dazzling smile to the wheelchair ridden, now stowed at the back compartment.

"I'd like your best friendship too, dear," the woman acknowledges with a jovial toothy smile of her own, making sport of the youngest who feigns a pout.

"Ajhumma, look they're so stingy, I'm not even their friend anymore," Taehyung translates the unvaried pose Jimin sported mere moments ago.

"See how it feels to pester someone," The other two blossom into hysteria at the youngest's ordeal.

The youngest rigids his position more, this time staring at the topography reflected in his eyes.

The next half an hour are left stranded purposefully yet blighting, at least for Taehyung.

"The lights had to go out at the time I was perfecting the final move for the last evaluation," Jimin heaves a sigh, fingers wreathing into a fist.

"Halmonim, it was infuriating. I'd be leaving with the perfect grade if the electricity wasn't out for the entire night. I earned enough appraisal but always coming first in life has wired my brain into thinking I need to be that way, always. I just can't be realistic about this."

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