xxix: n-3 [5]

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"You just said you love her," Jimin murmurs with wonderment, "On a cliff where you could fall into the water before devouring her mouth."

"You're making it sound so bizarre," Taehyung's eyes roll, "And both of us were busy until three weeks ago. And I wanted to keep it exclusive to hear, as it's our own magical moment."

"It was shocking, telling us out of nowhere that you confessed, when I didn't know how until now," Jimin asks, "What if you fell into the water?"

"I didn't fall, I'm alive you see," Taehyung stands up from his bed, gesturing to his own physique, putting effort to make Jimin view his transparency at his nose, "Besides Faye can swim, she would rescue me."

"The damsel in distress term is taking a different turn," Jimin voices from Taehyung's bed, embracing a pillow for any pint of coziness.

"I wasn't in distress," Taehyung heaves a sigh, "I was just happy she said it back and got excited."

"Alright, I get it, you were too excited, loverboy," Jimin says in forfeiture.

"Only for Faye Mortina," Taehyung heaves a sigh of elation before cascading on the bed, splaying his limbs in relaxation.

"Yes, only for one of my friends at college," Jimin resounds.

"Are you mad that you're going to third wheel?", Taehyung voices sardonically, a grin gliding to his lips.

"Please, I've been third wheeling ever since you and Faye decided to date. I'm going to do it even more," Jimin says, a gush of sigh from his mouth prodding upon his tresses crowning his eyes.

"Why don't you get it going with Jasmine? You two have spent a lot more time ever since we became a couple," Taehyung asks.

"I'll admit she's easy to get along with and genuinely nice, but I don't think I'm looking for a relationship right now. Besides, I don't think she likes me that way."

"How do you know if you don't ask her out?"

"I've seen her viewing this one girl from law who magically has the same lunch break as ours, and even more so, always sits three seats away from ours," Jimin voices with perplexity for such providence.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said so."

"It's alright, you didn't know," Jimin chortles in a downcast tonality, "It's even better for me to know she doesn't like me that way. It'd be awkward between us two. I would never date my friend."

Taehyung nods in comprehension, viewing him with discernment.

After a moment of reticence, Taehyung's psyche forges a question.



"Don't mind me asking this."

"I'm sure nothing you will do can make me mad except being an utterly horrible person for no reason."

"Do you swing towards men more?"

Jimin upon the question, manifests himself to be astonishingly reticent, viewing his best friend to and fro amidst his eyes before nodding.

"I do. This is why I'm glad Jasmine doesn't like me that way."

"Do you like someone that way? Anyone from your class or mine or other?", Taehyung inquires with hypervigilance.

"I haven't liked anyone that way. I still don't. I want to finish my degree and open my dance studio. Relationships can come later," Jimin says with a bantam smile.

Taehyung nods in apprehension, "I'm rooting for you, our top dancer."

"Thank you. I'm not sure if I'm the best when your girlfriend has more skill than I do," Jimin says sheepishly, scratching his nape.

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