xli: n

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a/n: this chapter will entail violence, please read with caution :)

Yeosang views at the front whilst Joonki clasps upon the buttons of his shirt with the bantam slits to glide through, reverberating in joviality. The nocturne is blemished with diamonds in the airspace, with artificial luminescence inert and mobile to and fro. The hubbub crossfades to Joonki, as if brimming underwater, his senses shrouded.

The visit might be few of the faultless visits he'll get to be in conversation with, or it might be worse.

The suspense causes him to swallow his throat, a bit of disquiet marrying his visuals.

"Are you okay?", Yeosang senses his sentiment and tenderly grasps his hands after gliding to Joonki's front, causing the younger to gaze away from the mirror to the older boy.

"I don't know," Joonki says, gazing downwards.

"You can always back out if you want to," Yeosang voices in a tender tone.

Joonki gazes at him in reticence for a moment before swaying his head to his sides.

"It's alright," He nods, albeit Yeosang not being persuaded by his reply.

"If you want to, I'll call your boss and tell him to cancel-"

"Hyung, please," Joonki voices a bit tumultuously, brows pleating because of the question asked multifold.

"Alright, I was just becoming sure," Yeosang chortles, levering on Joonki's cheeks, perceiving adoration for the younger male.

Joonki levers himself out of Yeosang's grasp, eyes retracting to slits.

Yeosang can vouch he almost defrosts on his stature at the younger's visual.

"I'll be going out then," Joonki voices a bit diffidently, "I'll go see omma."

Yeosang nods as he views Joonki rap on the door to their mother's cubicle. They reciprocate a few syllables, before Huijin stows a token of adoration on his head, gliding her hand over his tresses. Joonki levers his shoes on his feet as she waves, the older boy discerning it all from the doorframe of their cubicle.

Yeosang heaves a sigh before retiring to his cubicle.

Joonki presses on the elevator, for it to lever itself to his ground, whilst he views the address, and discerns he's a tad bit early to journey for the edifice much more mammoth which amasses his abode.

He makes his entrance into the elevator, perceiving it going groundwards, in a brisk moment before the door opens. He swiftly treads into the night, airspace and the neons being his reticent companion.

He inferences on treading the entire way, so he condenses in a good view of his belongings before accelerating. He views every nook and cranny his eyes behold. The transport, the hubbub, the footings, the blemishes of luminescence on the pathway. Until the edifice manifests itself at his nose many minutes later.

Joonki exhibits the email from Taehyung to the security. He asks for the floor before the security ushers him to the elevator, where a few people amass which he fails to cognize, mouthing the number audibly. Joonki thanks him as he presses on the elevator on their stead before it treads skywards.

Joonki envisaged a scenario where music would be cacophonous, humming audible to his ear by the mammoth amount of people blemishing the dimensions of the cubicle, and more than a handful relishing the amassing a tad bit more than standing leniently and forging bantam conversations.

The scenery he is exhibited with is nearly that, save for the amassing a bit lesser, and the music isn't to a cacophonous extent. The song emanating in the cubicle is audible to him, having parity with Korean traditional marching band music, or rather it, with the vocals of the rapper chanting a word reiteratively. He perceives time hasn't glided much since its inauguration, causing him to be encased by a bit of repose for timeliness.

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