xix: n-5 [7]

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The sunbeam of the succeeding solar day invites itself rather eventfully.

The oldest of the house is found enervated with famishness and fretfulness over his wife's unconscious willingness to survive. Trudging in with such encumberment, he finds three familiar faces surrounding the youngest, fast asleep in their own forged astral plane of dreams.

His physique is sluggish enough to not be able to magnify his tonality. Rather, he trudges for the fridge, until his apprehension winds up upon viewing the clean floor and a saccharine smell surrounding the stature, with a subdued stench of blood.

He views the four boys and again upon the ground.

He decides upon having his stomach full before reprimanding the sleepy figures.

Nearly half an hour later, he sips on a glass of water before soundlessly walking up to the sleeping figures and roaring with a "All of you, up!"

Jongwan is the foremost to twirl in his stature, murmuring a "calm down" under his breath, muted enough for the oldest not to hear.

Sungwoon is the second to elevate his head from the pillow, knuckles swiping at his eyes before apprehending the surroundings and then the oldest in front of him.

"Hansung, Hyunsoo nim is here," He nudges Hansung tenderly on his shoulders for the boy to flutter his eyes open.

"Hyunsoo nim," Hansung instantaneously sits up in his stature, tonality dripping with scornfulness, albeit muted, eyes viewing and emanating his comprehension with translucency.

But the oldest is too hypervigilant of their awareness of the incident, too perplexed to address the usual sidetracking of social etiquette.

"How much did you three see?", He asks with a muted, seething tone at the view of Joonki being fast asleep amidst the brewing commotion.

"Enough to know what happened. How is omonim?", Sungwoon asks with an equivocally muted tone, upholding his composure far more than the oldest.

"She's asleep in the hospital, about to get stitches. Her vitals are fine, she just needs blood," Upon such, the three's brows pleat, "Which is taken care of and a good rest," Hyunsoo says, viewing the aforementioned male.

"Nice to hear," Jongwan says, stranding a pretentious smile towards Hyunsoo.

"Now that omonim's condition is known, let's have breakfast. Cleaning up was tiring enough," Hansung says, viewing the asleep boy with tenderness before standing up, the two boys tailing.

"I'll take the washroom first, you two get the cereal and milk," Jongwan trudges for Joonki's washroom, whilst the other two reach the kitchen.

Hyunsoo perceives another wave of stupefaction whilst viewing the boys going on about their day, as if nothing ever transpired last night.

"I have something to say to you," Hyunsoo says, in effect, causing the boys to view him, undaunted by any of his conspiracy.

"Yes, Hyunsoo nim?", Sungwoon asks, viewing the boy to his left.

"You don't speak of what happened yesterday, and you leave this house free, got it?"

"Now, why would we do that?"

Jongwan asks the oldest, causing him to twirl to view him properly.

Hyunsoo strands a smirk at the boy.

"Because you saw what happened last night. Right before his birthday."

Sungwoon decides to hash in their conversation, gears in his psyche gyrating to be tactful.

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