xliii: n

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my thoughts and prayers are with palestine right now. there is nothing more i want than a ceasefire and peace to find the holy land. 

Taehyung wakes up rather unperturbed, albeit being held to the sentiment to some extent. Even in his slumber, he failed to usher the rumination of Joonki off his psyche.

He laggardly sits in his stature, comforter cascading to the junction of his bodice and legs, as his hands fist into his eyes to scurry away the somnolence. He stows his feet on the ground a minute later, tresses levered once as he treads for the washroom.

Gliding a comb through it and a brush over his teeth, he exits.

Another ten minutes later, he glides down his side of stairs towards the dining hall, viewing no one but his grandmother as the table.

"Dear, you came," His grandmother voices in glee as he stows himself beside her.

"I did," Taehyung strands a bantam smile before serving himself the delicacy on his nose.

"You were upset last night," She says as Taehyung chomps on his first mouthful, gliding her hand on his crown, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Halmoni," Taehyung heaves a sigh and gazes back at her, discerning her flourishing age in her crow's feet around her eyes and mouth, mildly chapped lips, and petite yet veiny hands. But the gleam whilst viewing him is the only perpetual he has perceived in his near twenty seven years of his life.

"Yes, dear?"

"I'll tell you everything but in short, alright? I'll tell you the entire story later. When I don't feel overwhelmed," Taehyung voices before mouthing another spoonful.

"Alright, dear, don't fret," She says in a tender tone.

The rest of the breakfast glides in reticence as Taehyung quaffs the rest briskly, coughing a bit amidst, causing a tender pat from the older woman, voicing to him to eat with ease.

By the time Taehyung and his grandmother hash their breakfast, it's nearly three hours away from midday.

"Do you have to go to work today?", She asks as Taehyung glides her wheelchair to the living room, viewing as the zephyr pirouettes the curtains, the cream hue more discernible beneath the morning sun.

Taehyung stows the wheelchair beside the window, before stowing himself beside her.

"I can go in late if you want me to. I can't slack in an endeavor I started. Aboji placed a lot of trust in me with this. For me to flourish."

"It's alright, dear, you can tell me after you come back home," She says with comprehension.

"No," Taehyung glides his tongue over his lips, "Let me tell while it's fresh."

"Go ahead."

"So, I have appointed a new employee, although you can't say new in the sense of new," Taehyung voices in a singular breath.

She nods, ushering the male to speak more.

"So you know Yoongi hyung has a new album out? His art got selected to be published along the album. Not an album art, but as a photocard."

"The employee knows how to?", Her voice lingers.

"He knows how to paint, and he captured Yoongi hyung's feelings from the first album so perfectly enough for his second album," Taehyung says, a miniscule smile on his visuals.

"He sounds like a very talented person," She says, a smile gliding on her countenance too.

"He is, and I am sure if allowed he is going to do great."

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