xxiii: n-4 [1]

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a/n: a long chapter to make up for the hiatus. the road to taehyung's heartbreak starts here.

Taehyung delves into the jet black glass paint in his forest brown mute leather bag for forging the last stroke of the glass painting at his nose, the underscoring of the tresses of the male sitting by himself by a water reservoir. Anxious upon its unavailability, he implies conviction and douses his index in jet black of Grover's palette before conjuring fine, threadlike accentuation of the tresses, causing his hand to keep itself toiling until the required time diminishes to zero.

"That's for today's glass painting class. I expect you to make something original for half the marks for midterms," The profound voice of their lecture weaves a cacophony through the mammoth cubicle, whilst the students arrange their belongings and file to exit through the large door.

"You keep forgetting this one glass paint wand at your home," Grover encapsulates the wands of his glass paints in his bag, before tenderly grasping his own form of glass paint, a maiden gliding through the wind, ice skates on her feet, silver ensemble shrouding her bodice.

"You know how clumsy I get at times," Taehyung murmurs, a miniscule smile on his countenance, "I overslept today and ran with whatever I had in it," levering the bag on his shoulder, grasping upon his canvas of glass.

"Besides, he's so loud, his voice rings in my sleep and makes me hyper alert."

"Mr. Anthony is like that," Grover shrugs, reaching for the lofty door to exit, Taehyung tailing with his belongings.

"Mr. Kim."

Taehyung ceases his treading in his track, nearly unclasping his glass paint to smash to smithereens on the ground.

"Yes, Mr. Anthony?", Taehyung asks in a modest tone, gathering his belongings to balance them as their professor nears their stature, a pair of books on his left hand.

"I expect a lot of good things from you, as I heard praise about your works for the last one and a half years," the profound voice says, causing Taehyung to swallow his throat.

"I will try my best."

"Good, because I want the best from you. You are dismissed," The venerable figure says as he swirls in front of the males and treads for the stairs to the third floor.

"Yeah, I wonder how am I going to survive this semester if he keeps pressurizing us," Taehyung heaves a sigh, trudging beside Grover in laggard footings.

"You're our best student, you will," Grover tenderly pats Taehyung's back, an applauding smile on his lips, "We can't have you being burnt out by this one person who is just here for another three months. You can do it."

"Thanks, it helps hearing words like this," Taehyung strands a cheshire grin at the Irish male with green irises and brown tresses.

"No biggie, buddy," Grover replies with a grin, "You deserve hearing this after working hard for it."

"I wonder if I deserve it after doing what I did," Taehyung twirls to his right, Grover tailing to nudge open the door to the mammoth cafeteria, two stories tall for humongous accommodation.

"You did exactly what?" Grover asks whilst they reach for the vending machine to prod out two drinks with coins.

Taehyung bites on his lips, contemplating his words and deciding to elucidate the undivided truth or not. After a moment's reticence, Taehyung voices.

"Because of me, two lovers got separated from each other."

Grover views him whilst the drinks swirl down the lid, demanding the male to lever out the delicacy.

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