xxviii: n-3 [4]

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"This is it, Sol," Taehyung voices whilst zipping his baggage for the forthcoming two days.

"This is it," Sol voices whilst grinning, "Don't mess this up, or else I'll be reprimanding you badly after you come back."

Taehyung upheaves his hands in mock forfeiture. "Alright, boss."

"I'm not your boss, I'm your to be brother in law," Sol voices with credence,

Taehyung's eyes magnify to strain on its reins, lips open in astonishment.

"Why are you so surprised?", Sol asks, head propped to his left in perplexity.

"Because," Taehyung's voice lingers, "That's about way too ahead of the future. I'm not even sure if she wants to settle down anytime in the future."

"She's the first person, wanting to settle down among us three siblings," Sol voices with a bantam smile, reminiscing of the times her elucidation extended for later part of nocturne about wanting so.

"She never told me, so I'm a bit unsure."

"She probably will one day, when she's ready. I know her, she's not the type to be silent about what she wants."

"I'll take your word for it," Taehyung replies with a miniscule smile.

"You better. I don't see a better addition to our family other than you."

"I'll try my best to win over everyone concerned with Faye," Taehyung voices.

"Mama and I already like you," Sol says, "Papa and Luna are tough shells to crack but they'll come around one day."

"And abuelo."

"I'm sorry?", Taehyung voices with pleated brows.

"I'm sorry, I mean grandpa," Sol says sheepishly.

"I had no idea you three had a grandpa."

"He lives in the countryside. He is dead tired of the city, so he decided to go there. He has a whole vegetable farm for us to eat fresh harvest. Didn't Faye tell you?"

"She never did. That's strange. But if I think about it, maybe that's why the food is extra delicious, everytime Flora cooks."

"You can never beat the father-daughter combo. She learned it all from abuelo."

"He must be amazing with cooking then."

"He is. He probably makes the best curry I will ever eat in my life."

"I'll look forward to having it one day," Taehyung says whilst stowing his travel bag on his shoulder.

"I hope you get to meet him too. He'd like you."

"I hope so too."

"Taehyung, are you ready? We need to go to the airport if you want to reach there in time," a feminine voice hashes through their conversation.

Sol twirls to see his sibling, Taehyung viewing her with softened leer at her visuals.

The female is donning a Hawaiian sundress, black fabric inked with ivory flowers, a pair of sandals, tresses entangled in a loose side braid, her red lips stranded for a more artless nude one, visage devoid of anything.

Even the most modest of visuals exhibits her to be beautiful.

"I am," Taehyung voices after a mere moment of reticence at the gleam in her eyes, baggage gliding on the ground devoid of grave effort.

"Let's go then," Faye chirps with a grin, "I can't wait to show you the waterfall."

"And I can't wait to spend alone time with you," Taehyung voices in her ear, causing her grin to magnify.

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